
Our Legacy Goal: Every Member Participation

Inspire every member of United Methodist Women to make a gift to the Legacy Fund of at least $18.69 per year or month over and above her Pledge to mission for five years.

Most of our foremothers did not hold the purse strings of their household, but they set aside two pennies a week or $1 a year to be in mission with God! Can today’s women set aside at least 36 cents a week or $18.69 a year?

Even if only 50% of our members gave as little as $18.69 a year for the next four years, we would raise almost $30 million! (400,000 members x 4 years x $18.69)

Our foremothers continue to stand by us through more than $1.3 million a year in interest on endowments that they established. Let us stand beside future generations of United Women in Faith through the Legacy Fund!

Let us inspire every United Women in Faith member to gift the Legacy Fund at least $18.69 monthly or $155.00 (our Anniversary!) per year over and above her Pledge to Mission.

Does everybody know about the “TRIFECTA”? Ask me .

Marsha Aufenkamp
PNW United Women in Faith
Legacy Liaison since 2014

Mission Giving Award

Dear Friends,

We are thankful for your participation in this year’s Day of Giving celebrations around the nation. Because of your efforts, we are happy to share that the total raised for Day of Giving 2024 is $424,415.00. Please share this with your teams and in your conferences. Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have.

Development Team
Kenya Roberts, Christi Campos, Shannon Priddy, Julissa Ciquero

Tools for promoting the LEGACY campaign

Faith • Hope • Love in Action