Puget Sound

President’s Report

Many thanks to our Vice President, Susan Alderin, who wonderfully stepped in for me at our PNW United Women in Faith Conference Annual Gathering in Spokane Valley and invited our Conference United Women in Faith to meet Oct 17-18, 2025, in her Bothell UMC!

Being on the road from September 9 to November 14 as my husband Alan “Lanny” and I drove back to the Chicago area to embark on a Fantasy RV Tour Caravan along Route 66 with 21 other RV units (43 adults from all over the US), racked up almost 8000 miles on our Dodge Ram truck! A lot of the route paralleled the railroads but was neglected, although each state plans to repair its section, anticipating the November 11, 1926 Centennial celebration of this “Mother Road.” We all were blessed by Thomas, an outgoing man in his 30s who is confined to his very ‘loaded’ wheelchair due to cerebral palsy. His big, boisterous laugh is contagious! Both parents have dedicated their lives to enriching Tom’s, using a specially equipped RV for traveling (they’ve been all over the USA, to Alaska, Mexico, Canada +) and a customized van.

Tom’s made dozens of plastic beaded necklaces and key chains with the person’s name spelled out, then with his loving service dog, Roman (our little Gretel loved to romp with him!) and parents, · ceremoniously delivered them to each RV. ‘They’ also presented one to any guide, policeman, waitress, or other person who spoke to Tom. Tom’s limited speech includes “I love you” and “You comin’ tomorrow?” The group was so compatible, friendly, loving, and helpful; it was sad to say goodbye.

With preparations and planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas activities, doctor’s appointments, and various Zoom and other meetings, I’m still trying to catch up.

We had asked a single fella from church to house-sit during our road trip; he moved in early, on May 1, and had moved chiefly out by January 2.

Our former church organist called in August to see if he could move in with us. He’d lived with us for at least 12 years in the past and was very helpful with our dog, with my mom (who lived with us her last four years and died on December 23, 2009), and with my special-needs brother, who lived with us from March 1993 to May 2015. We’ll help him move in the last weekend in January.

Nov 20: My doctor gave me an “ok” on my annual “Wellness” physical, and then I prepared 10 pounds of mashed russet potatoes for our AUC Harvest Dinner, to which several homeless or struggling individuals were invited.

Nov 21-23: I tuned into the Zoom Conference United Women in Faith Leadership Development Days (LDD).

Nov 30: I enjoyed helping for four hours to decorate our church for Christmas.

Dec 1: Assumed the role of “Choir Director” and had 1st practice for an original Christmas Program, “The Greatest Story Ever Told,” to be presented in two parts: December 15 during worship and Christmas Eve.

Dec 5: Participated in the Zoom Special Session for the PNW UMC Annual Conference with our Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth.

Dec 11: AUC Council Meeting, representing Worldwide Missions

Dec 14: Dress rehearsal for the AUC Christmas Program

Dec 15: AUC Christmas Program part 1 – directed the choir and congregational singing

Dec 16: Puget Sound Missional District United Women in Faith Zoom planning meeting from 3:30 to 5:30.

Dec 18: I attended the Stanwood United Women in Faith Luncheon organized by Helen Smith. I gave a pep talk to resume United Women in Faith meetings and encouraged them to send in a pledge to our District Treasurer, which they did!

Dec 19: Zoom bi-monthly Faith Talks with Jennifer Farmer

Dec 31: Completed the 8+ hours online AARP Course for seniors’ Smart Driving for insurance discount; recommend this for anyone over 55!

Jan 4: Help take down and pack away Christmas decorations at AUC, 3+ hours.

Jan 6: Joined the Zoom Baptist meeting “Women Walking Worthy” with Dr. Yvette A. Jackson, Vice President, LCSW.

Jan 7: Began reading the novel “The Girl with the Louding Voice” by Abi Dare.

Jan 8: AUC Council Meeting

Jan 9: Zoom United Women in Faith Community Gathering (195 joined) — “Carry Our Faith Forward”

Jan 11: Zoom United Women in Faith PNW Conf Winter Exec. Meeting- Leadership Team Planning

Jan 13: Zoom United Women in Faith PNW District Team Planning Mtg.

Jan 14: Phone churches about hosting our District Annual Gathering in September. No, no, no…Janet Church, president of Cedar Cross United Women in Faith, confirmed they will host our District Leadership Training on Saturday, March 29th! YES!

Jan 16: As district president, I review, correct, change, and add to our District Team’s meeting minutes to help our District Secretary, who participates via Zoom, tape what she hears and transcribe the minutes. Usually, two additional district leaders read and correct the drafts. We have a very supportive District Team!

We have NOT yet secured a location for our September District Annual Gathering, but we’re working on this!

According to our Puget Sound Missional District Directory, 18 or 19 local United Women in Faith units are active—to varying degrees, out of 29 listed. At least 18 or 19 churches have not responded to our inquiry if they have an active United Women in Faith unit. However, many do various projects, such as operating a clothing bank, food bank, knitting, quilting, reading club, and feeding others. I am encouraged by their dedication to their local service projects or missions and others they help support. We pray for peace, for justice, for moral leadership at all levels, Blessings,

Jeannine “Jeannie” Lish,

Puget Sound Missional District President

2024-2025 Officers

These positions were appointed & agreed upon by our Executive Team:

President: Jeannine Lish
Vice President: Susan Alderin
Secretary: Pat Rudd
Treasurer: Karen Guthrie
Communications Coordinator: Gay Johnson
Education & Interpretation: OPEN
Membership, Nurture & Outreach: Judy Good
Program Resources: Helen Smith
Social Action: Judy Jewel
Spiritual Growth: Beth Bryant
Chair, Committee on Nominations: Jeannine Lish

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