Vice President’s Corner

Winter Quarter 2025

Calling all vice presidents, whether unit or district or considering the position.—Micah 6:8 The CEB Women’s Bible

He has told you, human one, what is good and what the Lord requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God.

I never get tired of this verse and often use it as a breath prayer. It’s how I try to screen what is happening around me, near and far. Make an impact where you can and know you can’t do it all. Wise words I’ve heard repeatedly. Why do I share this? Well, if you’re a district VP, unit VP, or someone who might be considering this position, these are words to live by. The vice president has responsibilities that need this scripture. You might be covering for your president in her absence. Program planning is your primary course of action.

When planning any program, please don’t do it alone. Ask for help and delegate. Depending on your comfort level, you may need a little or a lot of help. As officers, we are to provide leadership opportunities. Give responsibilities and mold your women into competent leaders.

For those considering a VP position, read your job description, ask questions, and watch. As your conference VP, I’m responsible for the Annual Gathering, and my team will participate.

To learn more, attend events outside your meeting. Go with others to get new ideas for your unit. “Stick your toe in the water.” Ask questions of your district or conference officers.

At every meeting, we start by reciting The Purpose. If you are fulfilling this purpose, then many of you reading this need to step up. We are all in this together.

Stell Wallace, Vice-President
PNW Conference
United Women in Faith

Faith • Hope • Love in Action