Membership Nurture & Outreach

United Women in Faith are striving to serve others. How this looks will vary depending on who you are. Since taking the office of PNW Conference Membership, Nurture, and Outreach Coordinator, I have again started taking the Response magazine. This is one way to be inspired and connect with the mission of United Women in Faith. Our church has this magazine in their library. You, too, can subscribe or check out this magazine. If you have read the current issue, try sharing it with a friend. Then, possibly discuss or share about one of your favorite articles. It will give you hope and inspiration for the work we need to be doing. The work we accomplish is dependent upon the giving of our time, talents, and offerings.

At my local unit, we prepared and participated in the World Thank Offering by involving the whole church. At a unit meeting, boxes were assembled as we shared experiences of mission work and service. The following Sunday’s children’s moment involved explaining what a thank offering might involve. The children were then asked to pass out boxes to members of the congregation. Later in the month, the congregation was reminded to return the boxes the following Sunday and share their stories of thankfulness. Again, a children’s moment focused on the World Thank Offering. The children were able to share what they were thankful for as they filled additional boxes with change that was brought in.

As we nurture ourselves and reach out to others around us, remember this: The actions we are willing to take will be our lifeline to meeting the needs and goals of United Women in Faith. It is in the doing that we are truly serving.

Feel free to share your stories as well as ask questions. I am here to serve you and work with you in this faith journey.

Gail Simpson,
Membership Nurture and
Outreach Coordinator
United Women in Faith
Pacific Northwest

Faith • Hope • Love in Action