Membership Nurture & Outreach

Pick Your Passion and Take Action!

United Women in Faith sisters,

Recently, at the conference United Women in Faith executive meeting, women were asked to think about ways they describe themselves. There was an opportunity to acknowledge if they had ever fit into a specific category. These included being the class clown, never being on time, being a caregiver, overcoming a challenge, being a teacher, etc. We have all had various experiences that make us who we are. It is those opportunities that help us grow and learn. I imagine you are familiar with “thinking outside the box.” Sometimes, that different idea is the voice we need to hear. At the end of the activity, those present were given a sticky note and asked to think outside the box about what being part of United Women in Faith means and what United Women in Faith needs to do to meet the needs of new members.

I was slightly disappointed when I only got five responses from approximately seventeen people.

I want to share the ideas we received with you.

Have a letter-writing (postcard) table at events, re: legislative issues.

We could easily set this up at the annual gathering or district meetings. A program could also be implemented at the local unit to share concerns and issues that will be brought to the legislature. This could be done as a team effort with the coordinator for social justice and interested members. I have done this type of campaign as a member of the teachers’ union.

Organize (another) seminar at the General Board of Church and Society

I am not sure what this participant wants to hear about. This could cover a variety of topics. The United Women in Faith website has multiple choices for speakers and workshops. If you have not had the chance to look at these opportunities, I encourage you to do so. The website is You can also find information on the conference website at

BEING LESS POLITICAL would be good. (the capital letters were written by the participant)

I would like to have a conversation with the writer of this comment. I want to know what her thoughts and concerns are. The only way to address concerns is to openly and honestly discuss the topic. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I agree that some political topics need to stay out of the church. Some issues that are important to some members may not be an area of interest to others. This is why there can be multiple areas, and individuals can participate in the ones they are passionate about.

Have officers visit local meetings to “listen.”

I believe this is being done in some districts. That’s not to say we can’t do more. I know one MNO coordinator who is calling all the units in her district. Another MNO coordinator is visiting with other officers/members. Individual units could coordinate meetings with several other units. This could be for fellowship as well as information gathering.

Training for newbies: “United Women in Faith 101”.

It can seem overwhelming to jump right in and get your feet wet. There is no wrong way to participate. That said, it is helpful to have an understanding of your role. If individuals need information, there are seminars on the national website, and local officers/members can assist you. I, for one, can get frustrated with figuring out some of the technical opportunities for training. Ask a friend. Attend an online program in a group in case there are technical difficulties. Call another member. District and conference officers are here for you. Please take advantage of their knowledge. Do not be afraid to ask. I, for one, will tell you if I do not know the answer. I will also help you seek out the information you need.

Thank you to the individuals who shared their ideas. Pick your passion and take action. Address the food shortage by coordinating a food drive, writing postcards to your elected

officials, reading and reviewing a book that sheds new light on a challenging subject, or listening to a seminar on a topic of interest to you. If we want to affect change, we must make our voices heard.

Please feel free to contact me, discuss your needs, and share your ideas. We are a team, and every member is important.

Gail Simpson,
Membership Nurture and Outreach Coordinator
United Women in Faith
Pacific Northwest

Faith • Hope • Love in Action