Crest to Coast

Crest To Coast Missional District News

Joan Hackett (Crest to Coast district coordinator of Membership Nurture and Outreach), along with her daughter, Joanne, share a historical perspective on the role of women in ministry with the United Methodist Church. On Laity Sunday, October 15, 2023, they were focusing on Dorothy Northcutt and how she pioneered as the first female clergy at Fern Prairie UMC in Crest to Coast District and how she empowered other young women in ministry such as Rev. Carol Davies, Bishop Maryann Swenson, and Rev. Carol Mariano. This may inspire you to take a look at the impact made by women in your congregations and celebrate those stories.❤

Bev Thomas, President,
Crest To Coast Missional District

2023-2024 Officers

President- Bev Thomas
Vice President: OPEN
Secretary: OPEN
Treasurer: Eileen Costuck
Communications Coordinator: OPEN
Education & Interpretation: Sheree Fitzpatrick
Membership Nurture & Outreach: Joan Hackett
Program Resources: Lyn Milner
Social Action: OPEN
Spiritual Growth: Sue Raymond
Chair, Committee on Nominations: OPEN
Committee on Nominations Members: Gail Antijunti

Standing Rules 2018


2024 Issues

March, June

2023 Issues

January, February, March, June, September

2022 Issues

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

2021 Issues

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November

Faith • Hope • Love in Action