Deb’s Dispatch
Our leadership team agreed to focus our entries for this edition of “The Sharing Line” using the theme for the United Women in Faith Program Resource 2025 book…” Carrying Our Faith Forward.” If you haven’t taken advantage of this resource recently, I believe you will find it incredibly inspiring. The theme for February is “How Have Scriptures and Songs Informed Your Faith.” These programs are designed to be used by small groups and incorporate scripture, reflection, and opportunity for sharing in an intergenerational group setting.
As president of this amazing group of women within our Pacific Northwest Conference, I believe I have received my faith through various life experiences! I treasure my life within my local unit as women have encouraged and mentored me over the past 40 years to be engaged in our purpose in mission and ministry with women, children, and youth. I believe our sisters in our local churches are the heart and soul of our organization. Even in churches where there may no longer be a formal organization, I meet women who continue to believe in our vision, mission statement, and Purpose. Where two or three are gathered…there is the passion and action for our mission!
I have found fantastic opportunities for transformational learning within our organization: advocacy, Mission Learning, Engaging, Leading, Spiritual Growth, and Mentoring other women of all ages. I believe that each of us is being called at this time to be bold in our purpose, using whatever gifts and graces our Creator has given us and recognizing and supporting the gifts and graces of other women.
A “life” scripture that I have identified has been Micah 6:8… “What Does the Lord Require? Act Justly…Love Mercy…Walk Humbly with God”. For me, this scripture gives foundation to the shared purpose of this organization, which has led our church in social justice for over 155 years! A song that resonates with me is “Here I Am Lord.” Whenever I hear this hymn, I am reaffirmed that God is calling me into action…I can feel that amazing tug in my heart!
I hope you, too, in your life journey throughout United Women in Faith, have these mountaintop moments that you treasure and are willing to share your testimony with other women who need to hear about our organization. Who will you share your story with this year?
May you be open to God’s Call in this New Year,
Deb Avery
President, Pacific Northwest
United Women in Faith
“Honored to serve as your Conference President.”
PNW Conference United Women in Faith