National Mission Partners

Lighthouse Mission

A Visit to Lighthouse Mission Construction Project

I helped organize a tour of our new homeless shelter on July 16th. The Lighthouse Mission is currently under construction to replace the aged facility. It will have three more floors, a medical unit, mental health units for both men and women, and even a coffee shop open to the public to assist residents in moving toward a valuable skill set. The UWF members from our local unit are President Mary Kooistra (back row center), myself, Shirley Forslof, Karen Schroeder, and Carole Mercer.

Find out more about Lighthouse Mission at

Jan Catrell

La Posada Cabins

Update on the La Posada Cabins

Thank you for all the funds you sent to La Posada for the cabins. The funds were used for the beautiful flooring that will serve migrants for many years to come.

Sue Raymond

Faith • Hope • Love in Action