insideout: Dispelling the Myth of Best Practices

This episode of insideout explores the essential role of deep listening in fostering true innovation, and what that means for a church often fixated on ‘best practices.’ According to Rev. Dr. William (Bill) Gibson, “it’s a mistake to think that a best practice is a silver bullet answer for a declining church that lacks innovation and creativity.”

Ross takes Vital Church to the Local Church

Today the Oregon-Idaho Conference learned that the Rev. Stephan Ross, Director of the Vital Church Project in the Oregon-Idaho Conference, has accepted an appointment...

Valley & Mountain as a “Transforming Ministry”

Valley & Mountain as a “Transforming Ministry” By Pastor Karen Yokota | Photos by Amy Pazan Karen Yokota recently attended Transforming Ministries II, a three-day intensive...

Eradicate Boring Worship Experiences!

By the Rev. Curtis Brown | Director of Faith Community Development I confess that I'm sometimes bored during worship, even when I'm a worship leader.  My...

Curtis’ Time-Out Corner: “Create & Care for Your Relationships”

Curtis' Time-Out Corner: Create & Care for Your Relationships By Curtis Brown By our Discipline and organization, Annual Conference is the basic organization structure of our denomination....

Insideout: Discover, Claim, Live

  Revs. William (Bill) Gibson and David Valera have teamed up to produce a new video series which aims to inspire people to see the...

insideout: What if we focused on abundance?

Revs. William (Bill) Gibson and David Valera have teamed up to produce a new video series called insideout which aims to inspire people to...

Be Like Water: Lessons from a church planter

"What Dennis uncovered was that within every community, people are looking for leadership and for answers." Rev. Shalom Agtarap recently spent some time with Rev. Dennis Paschke, gleaning some insights gained from his work leading Orting UMC outward toward its community.

The First Step is Always the Hardest

By the Rev. Dr. William D. Gibson | Photos by Patrick Scriven and Teri Tobey View photos from this event. Seattle, Wash. - How do we...

Preparing Ourselves for a New Church

As you may have already heard, PNW is undergoing a Ministry Fund Drive to transform United Methodism in the Pacific Northwest to a brighter...