Funding Ministries and Mission Outreach 2017

What are Conference budgets? How can I support mission? What resources are available from The PNW Conference that can help our church treasurers? Download...

New Church Plants Total 684 in Last Quadrennium, Surpassing Goal

NASHVILLE, Tenn. Feb. 21, 2013 /GBOD/ – Church planters established 684 new United Methodist Churches in the United States during 2008-2012, surpassing the denomination’s...

Valley & Mountain as a “Transforming Ministry”

Valley & Mountain as a “Transforming Ministry” By Pastor Karen Yokota | Photos by Amy Pazan Karen Yokota recently attended Transforming Ministries II, a three-day intensive...

Curtis’ Time-Out Corner: Seeking Greater Vitality

Curtis' Time-Out Corner By Curtis Brown John Wesley himself selected his brother’s hymn “And Are We Yet Alive” to begin the annual meetings of Methodists.   We...

Good Seed: The Joys and Challenges of Planting a Church

Good Seed Church celebrates its sixth year of ministry, continuing to bring hope to a community that is seeking healing and restoration. How has this...

John Helmiere Receives Beatitudes Society Fellowship

SANTA BARBARA, CA (May 1, 2012) ‐ The Beatitudes Society has announced that John Helmiere, Yale Divinity School, ‘10, has been awarded a $10,000...

Preparing Ourselves for a New Church

As you may have already heard, PNW is undergoing a Ministry Fund Drive to transform United Methodism in the Pacific Northwest to a brighter...

Eradicate Boring Worship Experiences!

By the Rev. Curtis Brown | Director of Faith Community Development I confess that I'm sometimes bored during worship, even when I'm a worship leader.  My...

Skyway UMC: Making the Grade

Selena gets some help with homework, listening to instructions from Kasandra Baber, director of Skyway UMC’s tutoring program.  For more photos, click here. Skyway UMC: Making...

Curtis’ Time-Out Corner: “Create & Care for Your Relationships”

Curtis' Time-Out Corner: Create & Care for Your Relationships By Curtis Brown By our Discipline and organization, Annual Conference is the basic organization structure of our denomination....