United Methodists Meet in St. Louis for Worldwide Conference
Delegates and observers from around the world will gather at the Dome at America’s Center, February 24-26, 2019, for the Special Session of the United Methodist General Conference.
Certification for Specialized Ministry to become more Accessible
NASHVILLE, Tenn., December 6, 2017 – Representatives from United Methodist educational institutions and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) met this...
Charlottesville: At Sunday worship, pastors decry racism
By Heather Hahn | Aug. 14, 2017 | UMNS
United Methodist pastors across the U.S. scrambled to rewrite sermons and find other ways for their...
A statement from the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops
Bishop Elaine Stanovsky released this statement this evening speaking on behalf of the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops. The statement offers a response to the ruling of the Judicial Council regarding the election of an out, gay bishop.
How we got here: Looking back at the nine months since Bishop Oliveto’s election
Next week the United Methodist Judicial Council will be meeting to consider a petition from the South Central Jurisdiction which questions the election, consecration and assignment of Bishop Karen Oliveto. Here's a look at the coverage of Oliveto's first nine months as a #UMC bishop.
Bishop Elaine Stanovsky’s Post-Judicial Council Hearing Remarks
Bishop Elaine Stanovsky shares her prepared remarks for the press conference which followed Judicial Council oral arguments on April 25, 2017 in Newark, NJ. She restates the argument that jurisdictional autonomy in electing bishops is "at the heart of our unity-in-diversity" and confirms that obedient love, not defiance, guides the WJ's decision making.
WJ makes case that Bishop Oliveto’s election is legal
In a much-awaited moment, the Western Jurisdiction today told The United Methodist Judicial Council that last July’s election of Mountain Sky Area Bishop Karen Oliveto complied with church law.
Council of Bishops to call for 2019 General Conference
St. Simons Island, Ga.: Through an affirmative vote at their fall meeting this week, the United Methodist Council of Bishops expressed their intent to...
Council of Bishops Names 32 Commission Members
Washington, D.C. The United Methodist Council of Bishops has announced the membership of the Commission on a Way Forward.
"After three months of diligent and...
Council of Bishops follows tradition with letter to the church
Washington, D.C.: Reviving a tradition that is more than a century old, the United Methodist Council of Bishops sent this letter today to the...