Recognizing local church achievements, extraordinary service by members at #pnwac16
Recognizing local church achievements, extraordinary service by members at #pnwac16
By Teri Tobey with Jesse N. Love
Puyallup, Wash. - The PNWAC 2016 Awards Banquet honored...
Curtis’ Time-Out Corner: Seeking Greater Vitality
Curtis' Time-Out Corner
By Curtis Brown
John Wesley himself selected his brother’s hymn “And Are We Yet Alive” to begin the annual meetings of Methodists. We...
Off to a Creative, New Start!
By Rev. Dr. William D. Gibson | Director of Strategic Faith Community Development
In a 2015 report, Professor James Wellman of the University of Washington, noted...
Path1 training event envisions new church through First 12
A Path1 training event focusing on the "First 12" was held at the PNW Conference Office and Wesley Homes Terrace. Path1 serves to provide resources...
insideout: Dispelling the Myth of Best Practices
This episode of insideout explores the essential role of deep listening in fostering true innovation, and what that means for a church often fixated on ‘best practices.’ According to Rev. Dr. William (Bill) Gibson, “it’s a mistake to think that a best practice is a silver bullet answer for a declining church that lacks innovation and creativity.”
First Tongan UMC & Higher Ed.
Members of First Tongan UMC's Youth Fellowship hang out at the University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, Wash.)
Education serves as a transformative path for Asian-Pacific...
Pacific Northwest Religion: Doing It Different, Doing It Alone
Patricia O’Connell Killen is the primary editor of the book Religion and Public Life in the Pacific Northwest. Professor Killen has worked regularly with Northwest pastors,...
Valley & Mountain as a “Transforming Ministry”
Valley & Mountain as a “Transforming Ministry”
By Pastor Karen Yokota | Photos by Amy Pazan
Karen Yokota recently attended Transforming Ministries II, a three-day intensive...
Get to know Bill Gibson
Welcome Bill Gibson, PNW's Director of Strategic Faith Community Development!
Bill Gibson is a cultural analyst, semiotician, and theological entrepreneur, working as the Director of...
Good Seed: The Joys and Challenges of Planting a Church
Good Seed Church celebrates its sixth year of ministry, continuing to bring hope to a community that is seeking healing and restoration.
How has this...