Okanogan County: Fencing in the Rebuild!
By Rosalee Mohney | Photos by Andy O’Donnell
When we think of the devastation from the historic Okanogan County fires of recent years, it is...
How have ERTs fulfilled its mission of service in 2017?
By Kathy Bryson
For the PNW Early Response Team program, 2017 was a year kaf firsts. We hosted our first annual weekend “Spring Training” at...
Rebuild: Up from the Ashes | Stories of Hope
(Clockwise from top left) Germaine Savoie, Bill VanTassell, Karen Fisher, and The Gray Family all share their stories of hope as each have been...
Help restore the lights and heat for a family!
Experienced, volunteer electricians are currently needed for the Rebuild: Up from the Ashes home-building effort in Okanogan County. "Your experience counts – you need not be a licensed electrician," according to Wildfires UMVIM Coordinator Rosalee Mohney. Mid-November is the anticipated period so as much work as possible can be completed before winter arrives.
PNW UMVIM: Carlton Complex Fire Recovery Update
A glimpse of the damage caused by the Carlton Complex fire in Pateros, Wash.Carlton Complex Fire Recovery Update
By Jim Truitt | Photos by Jesse...
Rebuild: Up from the Ashes Completion is in Sight!
UMVIM Volunteers are Needed to Get the Job Done!
By Rosalee Mohney, Wildfires UMVIM Coordinator, rmohney@comcast.net
The Rebuild: Up from the Ashes home-building project is nearing...
Wildfires: Hope is a bright pink wall
Learn how you can be an important part of the rebuild effort in areas affected by Washington wildfires: bit.ly/rebuild-up-from-the-ashes
Hope is a bright pink wall
UMVIM: Seeking Help with Historic Okanogan UMC
(Left) Okanogan United Methodist Church (photo courtesy of Joe Mabel/Wikimedia Commons) and (Right) an example of tuckpointing (photo by David Hawgood, Wikimedia Commons).
PNW Volunteers...
Up from the Ashes: Funding achieved for the FINAL phase of recovery
By Gerri Harvill, Stan Norman, and Jim Truitt
Photos by PNW UMVIM, et. al.
"Thanks to generous donations and strong partnerships, funding for the final phase...
Rebuild: Up From the Ashes | We Need You!
(Left) Rosalee Mohney leaders a discussion during November's Laity Immersion experience in Okanogan County. (Right) A junk pile of rusty, metal rest in between...