Biblical Obedience
By Roy I. Sano, Bishop | The United Methodist Church
A growing number of United Methodist clergy are conducting same gender unions in violation of...
Judicial Council ruling finds #UMC Book of Discipline incapable of contextual adaptation
The Rev. Mary Huycke, first elected clergy delegate from the PNW and chair of the WJ Episcopacy Committee, responds to the ruling released by the Judicial Council today. Huycke writes that it was "our church law that was on trial here." The ruling confirms for her that the Book of Discipline lacks the ability to adapt "during a time of transition."
Women’s March: United Methodists Step Up
Opinion by the Rev. Richenda Fairhurst
This Saturday, perhaps a million women will be participating in a ‘Women’s March’ to draw attention to the issues many...
Your Thoughts and Prayers have just Arrived
A recent Facebook post with a meme criticizing the "thoughts and prayers" response to disasters got under the skin of Scott Rosekrans, pastor of Port Hadlock Community UMC. He spent some time reflecting on what prayer should mean to Christians and how a sincere faith is inevitably coupled with action.
Stop Preaching, Start Reaching!
By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications & Young People's Ministries
I can't remember the last time a sermon changed my mind. There, I’ve said it....
Our Future is Mobile
By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications & Young People’s Ministry
The future is mobile, whether we like it or not.
In 2007, Microsoft CEO Steve...
Are you breaking up with me?
Hello it's me, your church building. I'm writing to you today to try to clear the air. To be honest, I'm not sure that...
Opinion: The Cost of Unity
"It is time for us to start talking about what we agree on and what we can do well together instead of arguing about what divides us."
In an opinion piece, the Rev. Austin Adkinson expresses his desire for a continuing unity but, unapologetically, is not willing to accept unity that comes "at the expense of our LGBTQI siblings in faith."
Just Tell Your Story
"Story telling just hasn’t made enough difference."
Amory Peck, former PNW Conference Lay Leader and delegate to a number of General Conferences, shares her story of advocating for change in The United Methodist Church and her take on the Uniting Methodist Movement. She believes their proposal to be a overreaching call for unity in the church "done on the backs of too, too many children of God."
Does God REALLY care who wins the Superbowl?
By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications & Young People's Ministry
“Pour out your anger on the nations that do not know you,
and on the...