JLO: Fullness of Hope

Jamaa Letu Orphanages Fullness of Hope By Barbara Dadd Shaffer Jamaa Letu Orphanages are located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These places receive PNW Conference...

Christmas, the Jamaa Letu Orphanages (and you)!

By Barbara Dadd Shaffer Looking for a very good gift for someone special? One which they will like and which you will like giving? Consider a...

Jars for Jamaa Letu 2019

The 2019 label for the annual “Jars for Jamaa Letu” is now available. Local churches are invited to use the Jars program as a fun way of gathering funds for the support of our two orphanages in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Claudine’s Story: Being a Blessing to Others

Claudine Kasongo is presented with Certificate of Achievement from the Rev. Jon Short. Claudine’s Story: Being a Blessing to Others By Barbara Dadd Shaffer | Photos by Jesse N....

Historic Cooperation Agreement Signed

Bishops Grant J. Hagiya and Kainda Katembo sign a Cooperation Agreement during the South Congo & Zambia Dinner at General Conference 2016 in Portland,...

Jamaa Letu Orphanages: A Gift of Hope!

Need a Christmas Gift Idea? Make a gift “in honor” to the Jamaa Letu Orphanages! Here’s how you can give to a great cause this Christmas: ...

In Relationship: Caring for OUR children in the Congo

By Jesse N. Love May 17, 2016 | Portland, Ore. A young woman who is wearing beautiful garb from Africa graces the stage. Wiping tears from...

Funding Ministries and Mission Outreach 2017

What are Conference budgets? How can I support mission? What resources are available from The PNW Conference that can help our church treasurers? Download...

Jars for Jamaa Letu: Small Change Can Make a Big Difference

Recently, one of the girls in residence at the Jamaa Letu orphanage needed to be hospitalized for an on-going medical issue. Eric Sparkman shares how your church's support of the annual Jars for Jamaa Letu effort can make a difference when situations like this arise. Together, we can turn a little change into a big difference!

Jars for Jamaa Letu 2017

Download the PDF label at www.jamaaletu.org. By Barbara Dadd Shaffer Like all families, it costs money to raise children in the Congo, too. The annual “Jars” campaign...