ERTs help recovery effort in Maryland, post-Sandy

On Dec. 6, we arrived at 12:30 a.m. and hit the floor running at 7:00 a.m. We had a great day! We teamed up...

What Can I Do?

By Jim Truitt | Image by Jesse N. Love The world has suffered many natural disasters over the last two years from typhoons in the Philippines,...

Oct. 14-15: Disaster Case Management Training in Twisp

The Carlton Complex wildfire burning in north-central Washington state, USA. Photo courtesy of Jason Kriess, SFC, Washington National Guard and Wikimedia Commons. Looking For a Few...

PNW UMC Early Response Teams support Spokane County Flood Relief

Early Response Teams from The PNW Conference received a request for support from the Spokane County Emergency Manager.  An initial call was in early...

UMNS: Church helps rebuild communications in Philippines

By United Methodist News Service A United Methodist-led team has been providing communications relief in the Philippines this week, assessing needs and identifying ways to reconnect...

Tornado Response

Since yesterday we have been watching the devastating images of destruction in Moore, Oklahoma. In the last two days, dozens of tornadoes tore through five...

Wildfires: Hope is a bright pink wall

Learn how you can be an important part of the rebuild effort in areas affected by Washington wildfires:  Hope is a bright pink wall By...

Your Thoughts and Prayers have just Arrived

A recent Facebook post with a meme criticizing the "thoughts and prayers" response to disasters got under the skin of Scott Rosekrans, pastor of Port Hadlock Community UMC. He spent some time reflecting on what prayer should mean to Christians and how a sincere faith is inevitably coupled with action.

Coming Together for Saipan

Over the last year, 18 volunteers from the PNW Conference contributed 1,650 hours of volunteer labor, helping to rebuild homes in Saipan after a devastating typhoon left thousands homeless. Kathy Bryson offers this report as work has been cut short due to the emergence of the Coronavirus.

Creation Care Enhances UMCOR Ministries through Awareness and Collaboration

By Cindy Haverkamp, PNWUMC Creation Care Connector In 2018, natural disasters caused $160 billion in damage and claimed 10,400 lives. Climate models for the future...