Partnering Together to Rebuild & Restore Okanogan County (VIDEO)


About 40 representatives from faith-based and non-governmental organizations met at the Pateros Fire Station in February 2015. They discussed individual casework/projects, committing financial and human resources, and scheduling the rebuild of homes in Okanogan County after the 2014 Washington Wildfires.

The Carlton Complex Fire:
Partnering Together to Rebuild & Restore Okanogan County
(This video is 5:15 minutes. Feel free to share this video with your local church.)

Carlene Anders, Stan Norman, Gerri Harvill, and Jim Truitt along with other faith-based and volunteer non-governmental organizations are teaming up to rebuild Okanogan County. Anders provides a tour of affected neighborhoods within Pateros while Norman, Harvill, and Truitt illustrate the needs and challenges in rebuilding these communities.

-Fighting the Carlton Complex Fire
-Working together with faith partners, NGOs
-Identifying our challenges
-Inviting volunteers to help

Special thanks to
Carlene Anders, The Pateros Volunteer Fire Department,
the Rev. Don Ford, the Rev. Juli Reinholz, and David Reinholz.

This video was produced by
The Office of Connectional Ministries
and The Pacific Northwest Conference of The United Methodist Church.

Other Photo Credits:
David Benbennick, Jason Kriess (SFC, Washington National Guard) and NASA.

© 2015 The Pacific Northwest Conference of The United Methodist Church

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