A Day of Prayer at Standing Rock #WaterIsLife

By Rev. Richenda Fairhurst | Pastor, Camas United Methodist Church It is 10:39pm North Dakota time and I am frankly exhausted. But it has been...

How Do We Say Goodbye?

By Leona Weltzer | Epworth LeSourd United Methodist Church Lay Leader At the end of someone’s life we usually both grieve the loss and celebrate...

Speaking a Hard Truth-in-Love

To the United Methodist Body of Christ in the Seattle District, As this year draws to a close, and another begins to birth I pray...

Making My Daily Bread (Recipe Included!)

“Give us this day our daily bread…” this is the line in the Lord’s Prayer that I most take for granted. In my household,...

Leaving Facebook and the Prisons We Make for Ourselves

By the Rev. Cara Scriven | Tacoma District Superintendent Over the last year, I noticed that I was mindlessly checking Facebook when I had any...

An Embarrassment of Riches, a short intro to Fasting

James Tissot: Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness (Brooklyn Museum) By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications and Young People’s Ministries Disclaimer. I’m not the most disciplined person,...

Fear of the Tap (water)

Growing up in the Philippines, the Rev. David Valera learned that it was never safe to drink water straight from the tap. In this reflective post, Valera wrestles with how hard it can be to let go of "deep-rooted fears" even long after one has learned there is no danger. He wonders what role the church can play in liberating others.

Remember You Are Earth: Simple Resources for Lent

How about changing the line on Ash Wednesday for the Imposition of Ashes to, "Remember that you are earth, and to earth you shall...

A Holy Week Message

Image: The Native American mask was a gift made by United Methodist artist, author and storyteller, Ray Buckley, whose heritage is Lakota/Tlingit/Scot. It is...

A Humility in Bedtime

By the Rev. Cara Scriven | Tacoma District Superintendent MMy least favorite part of the day is announcing bedtime.  On the best of days, my...