COVID-19 tests more than our bodies
"The COVID-19 is testing more than our bodies. Our spirits are getting a great test too," writes the Rev. Paul Graves. He argues that despite our separation and individualistic tendencies, we are our best, most authentic, selves when we help each other.
What do Benedictine monks and United Methodist clergy have in common?
By the Rev. Meredith Dodd | Pastor, Bear Creek United Methodist Church
What do Benedictine monks and United Methodist clergy have in common?
At first glance,...
An Embarrassment of Riches, a short intro to Fasting
James Tissot: Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness (Brooklyn Museum)
By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications and Young People’s Ministries
Disclaimer. I’m not the most disciplined person,...
Devotional: Why are you afraid?
“Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?”
Mark 4: 40b (Jesus to his Disciples after he calms the storm on the sea)
I can...
Obedient to a Fault?
By the Rev. Cara Scriven | Tacoma District Superintendent
OOn Palm Sunday, I worshiped with the good people of Tumwater United Methodist Church. In her...
Past, Present, and Future
By Pastor Nathan Hollifield | Originally in The Spire
Time is a curious sort of thing when we begin to reflect on it deeply. Most of...
Devotional: From Ice to Fire
…and it shall be that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your...
Clergy Wellness: Be Still and Be Filled
By Linda Weistaner
I went on my first silent retreat around ten years ago with a group of 15 others. The retreat began with the leaders,...
A Holy Week Message
Image: The Native American mask was a gift made by United Methodist artist, author and storyteller, Ray Buckley, whose heritage is Lakota/Tlingit/Scot. It is...
Leaving Facebook and the Prisons We Make for Ourselves
By the Rev. Cara Scriven | Tacoma District Superintendent
Over the last year, I noticed that I was mindlessly checking Facebook when I had any...