National Mission Partners

National Mission Partners

Tacoma Community House

Tacoma Community House celebrated their 115th anniversary with balloons, cake and a facility packed with staff, board members and supporters. Staff were recognized who had been with this National Mission Institution for 10, 20 and 30 years!  They didn’t just look back at their accomplishments since 1910, they celebrated the difference they are making in their community now and their bright future!

They have recently expanded the outreach of the TCH to Parkland in Pierce County.  Aimee Khuu, Executive Director, was quoted in the Tacoma Weekly,  “Unemployment is higher and the percentage of individuals with a high school diploma or college education is lower than broader Pierce County.  Heart disease rates are higher in Parkland than the county or Washington generally. The Health Department attributes this to poverty, trauma, stress, racism, air pollution, access to food and medical services, in addition to tobacco use.”  TCH is starting with two healthcare workers in January who will join the Center for Strong Families, which opened last October, coaching low-income families to help them reach their financial goals.

I was especially impacted by talking to Viktorlia Tkachov, a recent immigrant from Ukraine who is now an employment coach.  Viktorlia said, “I am always inspiring our clients and sharing my story of how I struggled with English and other obstacles.  TCH is an amazing place where immigrants can start their lives from scratch, like I did.”

What a blessing it is to have Tacoma Community House located in our conference!

Sue Raymond

Love in Action Native American Ministries

Love in Action Native American Ministries

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a vital ministry of social, economic, environmental, and racial justice with our Indigenous relatives. We will do this by listening, learning, and loving.

May your walk with Christ be in harmony with God’s children in this world.

Mending Wings

Mending Wings

Mending the wings of our youth so they can fly again

We stand amazed and humbled by the goodness of Creator when we see all that Mending Wings has become, and is becoming, since our humble beginnings in 2006. We are experiencing a move of Creator in our hearts, and in our organization, and we are excited to see where He will take us in the future. We invite you to join us in praying for increased wisdom and spiritual insight as we wait on Creator for His direction and clarity of vision. He is so good, and we are expecting to be overcome by that goodness.

Faith • Hope • Love in Action