Rebuild: Up from the Ashes | Stories of Hope
(Clockwise from top left) Germaine Savoie, Bill VanTassell, Karen Fisher, and The Gray Family all share their stories of hope as each have been...
PNW/OR-ID Early Response Teams to support Hurricane Matthew relief
In the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, floodwater from the Tar River is well overflowing its southern bank. Image courtesy of Wikipedia. Learn more about this image, here.
Early Response Team Training is coming, Oct. 14!
Be Ready.
Do Good.
When: October 14, 2017
Location: Bremerton UMC, 1150 Marine Drive, Bremerton, WA
ERT Basic Class: 8:30am – 4:00pm
ERT Refresher Course: (For previously certified ERT...
Give Hope and Help Us Rebuild!
By Rosalee Mohney | Seattle District Co-Lay Leader
As you are aware, December is a month where people respond most generously when asked to give...
PNW UMC Early Response Teams support Spokane County Flood Relief
Early Response Teams from The PNW Conference received a request for support from the Spokane County Emergency Manager. An initial call was in early...
GNW Methodist Early Response Teams join in NC flood relief efforts
A few UMVIM Early Response Team members from Washington and Oregon visited North Carolina to help the clean-up of flood-damaged homes from November 9 to...
The Rebuild Movement
In July 2016, laity from The PNW Conference visited sites in Pateros, Wash. Wildfires from 2014 and 2015 left over 400 homes destroyed and...
Hundreds of Volunteers Return to Repair and Rebuild Homes
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – The first teams of skilled volunteers arrived in Alaska earlier this week to continue rebuilding efforts in four Interior communities affected...
Colorado is ready for Early Response Teams
Check our Facebook page for more photos from Lyons, Colo.
Colorado is ready for Early Response Teams
By Jim Truitt
The Rocky Mountain Conference has officially invited...