In the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, floodwater from the Tar River is well overflowing its southern bank. Image courtesy of Wikipedia. Learn more about this image, here.
By Kathy Bryson | Images courtesy of Wikipedia, et. al.

In response to the Hurricane Matthew relief efforts, we have connected with the North Carolina Disaster Response Center and are coordinating an Early Response Team mission from The Pacific Northwest and Oregon-Idaho Conferences to the Outer Banks area of Dare County in North Carolina on Nov. 8-15.
The current plan is that ERT members will fly into Norfolk, Va., pick up rental transportation then to drive to the base camp and work sites. Workdays are tentatively Wednesday, Nov. 9 through Monday, Nov. 14 (with travel days on Nov. 8 and 15).
The North Carolina Disaster Response Center has set up tool trailers at the work sites with tools for mucking, tear-out and spraying.
Housing will be in a local firehouse that has sleeping facilities, a kitchen for meal preparation and shower facilities. There are local grocery stores and some restaurants for meal options. The local coordinator mentioned this area is rich in history and there is a great need for relief support.
The anticipated expenses for this mission are round trip airfares into Norfolk, Va. plus sharing the costs of rental car(s) & insurance, gas, and all meals/food. We’re working on the possibility of partial scholarships to offset some of these expenses.
Airfares are currently low into Norfolk so we are quickly gauging interest for this deployment. Please respond by 3:00 p.m., Friday, Oct. 28 to if you are interested and available for this much-needed relief effort. If you are interested in joining an ERT and this timeframe isn’t convenient, please let us know your availability for potential future deployments.
Have questions? Please email Kathy Bryson at or call (509) 539-2978. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this mission.