Planning for Early Response Team Deployment to Texas
By Jim Truitt | Photos by Wikipedia, et. al.
In the last few weeks, two of the largest natural disasters in American history have occurred....
SAVE THE DATE: Disaster Response Training, September 23 and 24 in Richland
An Early Response Team heads back home while serving in Fairbanks, Alaska to fix houses affected by flooding of the Yukon River back in...
What are cooperative, caring ways we can reach out to neighbors during a disaster?
By Wendy Riddle | Photos by Dave Riddle
On Saturday, January 20, 2018, over 50 people from 15 congregations and 5 different denominations gathered at...
Seattle District musical event raises funds for Rebuild: Up from the Ashes
The praise team from First United Methodist Church in Bellevue, Wash. brought a joyful noise during the Seattle District fund-raising event for the Rebuild:...
Saipan Recovery Still Needs Skilled Volunteers
Teams are continuing to form to help survivors return to their homes after Super Typhoon Yutu struck Saipan October 2018 causing catastrophic damage. Learn more about the project and how you can participate in teams forms from October to April.
Funding Ministries and Mission Outreach 2017
What are Conference budgets? How can I support mission? What resources are available from The PNW Conference that can help our church treasurers? Download...
2017 Conference offers two ways to help UMCOR
By Ronda Cordill
Way 1. Bringing Kits to Annual Conference
Beginning on Wednesday, June 14 there will be a donation station in front of the Red...
Mission u is Coming!
Have you registered for Mission u? Visit for information!
By Joan Hackett | Photos by Jesse N. Love
Mission u 2017 will take place at Central...
Wildfires: Hope is a bright pink wall
Learn how you can be an important part of the rebuild effort in areas affected by Washington wildfires:
Hope is a bright pink wall
A United Methodist Response to the National Climate Assessment
Creation Care Connector, Cindy Haverkamp, reflects on ways for United Methodists to respond to last Friday's National Climate Assessment.