United Methodist Bishops condemn President Trump’s “offensive” remarks against immigrants

"As reported, President Trump’s words are not only offensive and harmful, they are racist." Council of Bishops President Bruce Ough offers a strongly worded rebuke of President Donald J. Trump's language during negotiations with congressional leaders over immigration. He shares the Council of Bishops call to all United Methodists "to condemn this characterization and further call for President Trump to apologize."

Constitutional amendment to be revisited

The secretary of the General Conference just announced that an error was made in the text of proposed Constitutional amendment #1 as it was presented for voting, and which subsequently failed to pass. A new ballot is being prepared for voting by annual conferences at their next meeting; however, some conferences will not meet again until 2019.

COB President Addresses Western Jurisdiction Episcopal Election Results

Peoria, Ill.:  Bishop Bruce R. Ough, president of the United Methodist Council of Bishops, issued the following statement regarding the results of today’s Episcopal...

PNW Board of Ordained Ministry releases statement on ministry candidates, sexual orientation, and gender...

By Patrick Scriven May 6, 2016  SEATTLE, Wash. When it met yesterday at Ronald United Methodist Church just north of Seattle, the Pacific Northwest Conference Board...

Council of Bishops to call for 2019 General Conference

St. Simons Island, Ga.: Through an affirmative vote at their fall meeting this week, the United Methodist Council of Bishops expressed their intent to...

A Pastoral Letter to the People of The United Methodist Church from its female...

The failure of two constitutional amendments related to the rights of girls, women, and other vulnerable groups prompted the active and retired United Methodist female bishops to pen this pastoral letter to the church. The letter was affirmed by the entire council. "We see you. We weep with you. We seek your healing. We work for the healing of our church. We strive for a church and world that honors every person as a beloved child of God, made in the image of our Creator."

Global Ministries’ End of Year Campaign Highlights Giving Love, Joy, Hope, and​ Peace

Global Ministries, the worldwide mission and development agency of The United Methodist Church, invites members to give love, joy, hope and peace through their...

New York and Pacific Northwest Annual Conferences Vote to Divest from Fossil Fuels; Northwest...

Jun 30, 2016 Seattle, WA–The New York and Pacific Northwest Conferences and the Northwest United Methodist Foundation will divest from fossil fuels following decisions at...

Mountain Sky United Methodists Introduce Bishop Karen Oliveto

DENVER, Sept. 22 – United Methodist leaders representing five Western U.S. states today released a video introducing their new bishop, Karen Oliveto, a leader...

Bishop Stanovsky assigned to the Greater NW Area #WJUMC

Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Episcopacy, the Western Jurisdiction has assigned Bishop Elaine Stanovsky to Greater Northwest area for the 2016-2020 quadrennium. Elected...