What do Benedictine monks and United Methodist clergy have in common?

By the Rev. Meredith Dodd | Pastor, Bear Creek United Methodist Church What do Benedictine monks and United Methodist clergy have in common? At first glance,...

Leaving Facebook and the Prisons We Make for Ourselves

By the Rev. Cara Scriven | Tacoma District Superintendent Over the last year, I noticed that I was mindlessly checking Facebook when I had any...

Speaking a Hard Truth-in-Love

To the United Methodist Body of Christ in the Seattle District, As this year draws to a close, and another begins to birth I pray...

Laughing at Death

By the Rev. Cara Scriven | Tacoma District Superintendent Early every morning, I sneak out of bed, down into the deep quiet of our home....

Don’t Go It Alone!

By the Rev. Rich Lang | Seattle District Superintendent This week the clergy of our Conference gather in Vancouver for a Bishop's Symposium. On the one hand this...

Clergy Wellness Corner: “Spiritual Drought”

By Sue Magrath | Sacred Mountain Ministries It’s been a long, hot summer. Even the western side of the state has had little or no rain in several...


By Kellen Head-Corliss | Ministry Intern serving at Bear Creek United Methodist Church I should start with a thank you to the conference and those who designed...

Ministry, Transitions, and the Spirit at Work

Awaken my soul, come awake To hunger, to seek, to thirst Awaken first love And do as you did at first - Fall Afresh, Jeremy Riddle By Rachael Phelps | Ministry...

Past, Present, and Future

By Pastor Nathan Hollifield | Originally in The Spire Time is a curious sort of thing when we begin to reflect on it deeply. Most of...

How Do We Say Goodbye?

By Leona Weltzer | Epworth LeSourd United Methodist Church Lay Leader At the end of someone’s life we usually both grieve the loss and celebrate...