Clergy Wellness Directory Released, Survey Coming Soon

By Sue Magrath | Sacred Mountain Ministries The clergy wellness task force has been working for the last several months to put together a “Helping Professionals Directory” for...

Clergy Wellness Corner: “Focus” on the Holy

Rev. David Tinney | Senior Pastor, Vancouver First UMC I really think photography ought to be added to the list of spiritual disciplines. As we...

Clergy Wellness: Be Still and Be Filled

By Linda Weistaner I went on my first silent retreat around ten years ago with a group of 15 others.  The retreat began with the leaders,...

Clergy Wellness Corner: Seeking Support

By the Rev. Dr. Mary Boyd | Langley UMC When I was appointed as pastor of a church in Seattle a few years ago, I was informed...

Living Apart: A God Who Bears Our Burdens

By Sam & Christy Geyer* When I was appointed to serve as the pastor of White Salmon UMC, my wife Christy was not able to...

Clergy Health – A Coach’s Perspective

By Daniel Flahiff | Personal Trainer Have you struggled with weight gain, strength loss, low energy levels and depression? I have. It’s the true ‘State of the...

Clergy Wellness Task Force Seeks to Create Directory of Helping Professionals

The Clergy Wellness Task Force is in the process of creating a directory of helping professionals. We want to offer clergy a resource for...

Help! My Life is Out of Control

By Denise McGuiness, PhD, M.Div | Pastoral Psychologist, Deacon We all know that life is stressful. In fact, without a certain amount of stress, life would...

Clergy Health – A Personal Pastoral Journey

By the Rev. Brad Beeman | Pastor, Bellevue: Aldersgate UMC I’ll never forget the day I got a personal call from my doctor asking me...

Clergy Wellness Corner: “Spiritual Drought”

By Sue Magrath | Sacred Mountain Ministries It’s been a long, hot summer. Even the western side of the state has had little or no rain in several...