Young Adult Network Seeks Applicants for Second Cohort in Ecumenism Training

With the first UMEIT (United Methodist Ecumenical and Interreligious Training): Young Adult Network training coming to an end, it is time for a new...

A Pastoral Letter to the People of The United Methodist Church from its female...

The failure of two constitutional amendments related to the rights of girls, women, and other vulnerable groups prompted the active and retired United Methodist female bishops to pen this pastoral letter to the church. The letter was affirmed by the entire council. "We see you. We weep with you. We seek your healing. We work for the healing of our church. We strive for a church and world that honors every person as a beloved child of God, made in the image of our Creator."

Bishops announce results of five constitutional amendments; two fail to get two-thirds majority

WASHINGTON, D. C.  The Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church has completed canvassing the votes of annual conferences on the five constitutional amendments...

United Methodist Bishops Recommend a Way Forward

United Methodist bishops, meeting in Chicago, engaged in a prayerful process to discern a way forward. At the conclusion of the discernment process, the Council of Bishops strongly approved a recommendation.

UMC bishops honor, remember Rev. Dr. Cone

WASHINGTON, D. C -  United Methodist bishops are honoring and remembering the legacy of the Rev. Dr. James Cone, the Bill and Judith Moyers...

UMC Bishops to act on three major issues at the Chicago meeting

The Bishops of The United Methodist Church will meet in Chicago from April 29-May 4 to celebrate leadership through the passing of the gavel, certify constitutional amendments and finalize their recommendations to the 2019 Special Session of the General Conference.

Coupeville United Methodist Church to celebrate 165 years on April 22nd

Coupeville United Methodist, the first church organized north of Olympia in the Washington Territory, will celebrate its 165th year of ministry on April 22. As part of its Sunday worship service (11am), its History Committee will offer a presentation of the Coupeville church from its beginnings in the 1850s. The public is invited to participate.

Draft of the Revised Social Principles Released

WASHINGTON — The draft of the revised Social Principles was released Thursday after years of listening and writing sessions. United Methodists are invited to...

Bishops seek declaratory decision from Judicial Council on Special Session

The United Methodist Council of Bishops is asking the denomination's top court to declare whether additional petitions, beyond the report of the Commission on a Way Forward and the Council, can be submitted to the Special 2019 General Conference. At least one group has threatened to submit its own legislation outside of the process approved by the 2016 General Conference Session.

Lewis Center for Church Leadership Engages New Audience, New Topics with Podcast

The Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary recently launched the Leading Ideas Talks podcast. With new entries each Wednesday, listeners will learn from ecumenical and intentionally diverse guests speaking on various topics like stewardship, evangelism, preaching, and church growth.