Beyond Earth Day: What Can We Do?
The climate crisis is so big, there's nothing I can do to make a difference.
Every time I read an article about climate change, I...
Good Friday for God’s Creation: Connecting Holy Week with Earth Day (resources included!)
The Guardian newspaper recently launched a series that attempts to find a new way to tell the story of climate change. It’s a tough...
Remember You Are Earth: Simple Resources for Lent
How about changing the line on Ash Wednesday for the Imposition of Ashes to, "Remember that you are earth, and to earth you shall...
Musings: Meeting Needs in the Midst of Disaster
Last summer, Aaron Pazan visited the Philippines for the Global Young People’s Convocation and Legislative Assembly serving as a young adult representative for the Western...
For the Love of God’s Creation
Science article-inspired haiku and watercolor from a series by Seattle oceanographer Gregory Johnson.
For the Love of God’s Creation
By the Rev. Jenny Phillips | Illustration by Gregory...
Raise Your Voice on Climate Change!
Your New Year’s Resolution:
Raise Your Voice on Climate Change!
By the Rev. Jenny Phillips
Raise your voice on climate change in 2015!
In December of this...
Light for Lima: Your Prayers Needed!
A pack of politicians is meeting this week and next in Lima, Peru to attempt to lay the groundwork for an international climate treaty...
Creation care team brings global perspective
By Linda Bloom | NEW YORK (UMNS)
Sotico Pagulayan knows firsthand how the acceleration of extreme drought and flooding in Cambodia has degraded the diet...
Divestment: The Money Conversation You Need to Have at Charge Conference
The Money Conversation You Need to Have at Charge Conference
By The Rev. Jenny Phillips | Photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
One of our primary tasks...
Church members join climate change march
By Linda Bloom | Sept. 22, 2014 | NEW YORK (UMNS)
Gabriel, who is “almost 5,” was trying to stand patiently with his father, Tim Emmett-Rardin, a...