United Methodists Bring Faith and Advocacy to Olympia and Beyond

(Cover) Interfaith leaders met with Washington Gov. Jay Inslee to discuss a variety of legislative concerns. (Above) United Methodist clergy distributed ashes during Ash...

Creation Care(s for you!)

Cindy Haverkamp considers the gifts of creation after a winter weekend spent outdoors.

Beyond Prayer

By the Rev. Jenny Phillips I’m sitting in a coffee shop in Georgia. Rain is streaming down the windows, and the sky looks more like...

Light for Lima: Your Prayers Needed!

A pack of politicians is meeting this week and next in Lima, Peru to attempt to lay the groundwork for an international climate treaty...

Building Bridges, Not Walls – Wildlife Edition

Cindy Haverkamp, Creation Care Connector, shares facts about the ecological impacts of walls and bridges, sharing a success story from Snoqualmie Pass.

PNW United Methodists Bring Faith Values to Olympia

Marie Kuch, Kelly Dahlman-Oeth, Nathan Hollifield, and Jenny Phillips meet in between workshop sessions at Faith Advocacy Day in Olympia. By the Rev. Jenny Phillips...

Hottest Year Calls for Renewed Holy Dissatisfaction

Yakima: Wesley UMC dedicates its solar panels in honor of Earth Day in 2016. A representative from Pacific Power addresses the audience with Sara...

Global Ministries to Commission New United Methodist EarthKeepers for Environmental Stewardship

Global Ministries will commission 67 new EarthKeepers from 23 conferences in an online service on November 19, 2019 at 8pm ET at www.umcmission.org/live. Among those being commissioned is Barb Maynes, a lay member of First UMC in Port Angeles, WA.

For the Love of God’s Creation

Science article-inspired haiku and watercolor from a series by Seattle oceanographer Gregory Johnson. For the Love of God’s Creation By the Rev. Jenny Phillips | Illustration by Gregory...

Fossil Free UMC Responds to United Methodist Pension Board Video for Central Conference Delegates

Seattle, WA—The United Methodist Church’s General Board of Pension and Health Benefits has released a video for central conference delegates instructing them to vote...