Cindy Haverkamp joins PNW staff as Communications Associate, Creation Care connector

The PNW Conference Office of Connectional Ministries is pleased to welcome Cindy Haverkamp as its new Communications Associate. In this part-time position, she will assist in telling the story of The United Methodist Church in the PNW and across its global connection.

All Earth is Waiting: Creation Care Advent Resources

By Cindy Haverkamp With just a day or two left in November, Advent is almost upon us! Please consider including a prayer or song in...

Creation care team brings global perspective

By Linda Bloom | NEW YORK (UMNS) Sotico Pagulayan knows firsthand how the acceleration of extreme drought and flooding in Cambodia has degraded the diet...

Hottest Year Calls for Renewed Holy Dissatisfaction

Yakima: Wesley UMC dedicates its solar panels in honor of Earth Day in 2016. A representative from Pacific Power addresses the audience with Sara...

Question Time: Mission u Edition!

By Nica Sy Nica Sy is a young person who attended Mission u, an annual cooperative mission experience by the PNW Conference’s United Methodist Women...

A United Methodist Response to the National Climate Assessment

Creation Care Connector, Cindy Haverkamp, reflects on ways for United Methodists to respond to last Friday's National Climate Assessment.

Happy Earth Day Easter!

Easter and the celebration of Earth Day occupy the same Sunday in 2019! What to do? Read on for Creation Care Connector, Cindy Haverkamp's creative, yet practical suggestions!

Creation Care Enhances UMCOR Ministries through Awareness and Collaboration

By Cindy Haverkamp, PNWUMC Creation Care Connector In 2018, natural disasters caused $160 billion in damage and claimed 10,400 lives. Climate models for the future...

We must be partners with creation

A recent excursion had the Rev. Paul Graves mesmerized by the amazing rock formations of the Canadian Rockies. It got him thinking about creation, religious affirmations toward its preservation, and our calling to be active partners with it.

Making My Daily Bread (Recipe Included!)

“Give us this day our daily bread…” this is the line in the Lord’s Prayer that I most take for granted. In my household,...