Standing With Standing Rock, Part 2

By Kristina Gonzalez | Director of Leadership Development for an Inclusive Church Part 2: Standing With At the writing of this article, the sacred fire burns still...

Commentary: Banking on Standing Rock

By Rev. Richenda Fairhurst | Pastor, Camas United Methodist Church On November 14th, the Army Corps of Engineers announced it would not grant an easement...

What the US Election didn’t change about Climate Change #COP22

Rev. Jenny Phillips will be hosting a Facebook Live event on the PNW Facebook page: ( November 11th at 8:30am PST. John Hill, Assistant General Secretary...

An Update from Standing Rock

Originally posted to the PNW UMC Board of Church & Society's Facebook Page. It is 5am here and the Water Ceremony at Standing Rock Oceti...

Mission u: What are the connections?

Scenes from Mission u.  If you are interested in attending, contact By Joan Hackett Mission u, an annual mission event at Central Washington University, welcomed many...

New York and Pacific Northwest Annual Conferences Vote to Divest from Fossil Fuels; Northwest...

Jun 30, 2016 Seattle, WA–The New York and Pacific Northwest Conferences and the Northwest United Methodist Foundation will divest from fossil fuels following decisions at...

Is it easy being GREEN at Annual Conference?

By the Rev. Jenny Phillips It can be hard to make creation-friendly choices when you’re attending Annual Conference, because the big creation care decisions were...

PNW Delegation takes on fossil fuel investment #GC2016

Updated to correct vote count on Minority Report By Pam Brokaw May 20, 2016 | Portland, Oregon While United Methodists seeking divestment from fossil fuels mounted a...

Hearing the plea: Safe water for all

By Linda Bloom May 16, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) What happens to a community when there is no safe water supply? Look at Flint, Michigan. The...

The Climate Vigil at General Conference

By Jesse Love May 13, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. The General Conference Climate Vigil sent a powerful message to delegates and guests: now is the time for...