Befriending the Body

"Far from viewing our bodies as sacred, we either view our bodies with disgust, or at best, indifference," writes Sue Magrath for the Clergy Wellness Corner. She continues on to share suggestions busy clergy (and others) can incorporate as we seek to "befriend" bodies we sometimes treat with indifference or even disgust.

Clergy Health – A Coach’s Perspective

By Daniel Flahiff | Personal Trainer Have you struggled with weight gain, strength loss, low energy levels and depression? I have. It’s the true ‘State of the...

Love—The Only Way

The Rev. Dr. Joanne Carlson Brown offers her insights on the unique challenges faced by queer clergy in The United Methodist Church when it comes to wellness. She speaks to the value of sacred community and love in providing necessary support.

Radical Self-Care

In a post for the Clergy Wellness column, Rev. Katie Stickney shares how a recent bout of back pain revealed a new truth. While self-care offers all sorts of logistical challenges, the "biggest barriers" are often harder to see and tied into our beliefs about ourselves and our value.

BOM announces web-based Clergy Wellness Workshops

The Formation committee of the PNW Board of Ordained Ministry is excited to announce a series of optional web-based clergy wellness workshops. The first workshop, 'Achieving a Healthy Body in an Unhealthy World' with Rev. Brad Beeman, will launch in January.

Burnout, Part Three

For the final installment of a 3-part series on burnout, Rev. Lisa Talbott offers four key strategies that have helped her to recover from a ministry "stall." While acknowledging that recovery can be a slow process, she argues that "burnout doe not get the last word."

Clergy Wellness Corner: Avoiding Burnout

By Rev. John J. Shaffer As I reflect on my 51 years in ministry, I am aware that ministry, for the most part, remained fun...

Clergy Wellness Task Force Seeks to Create Directory of Helping Professionals

The Clergy Wellness Task Force is in the process of creating a directory of helping professionals. We want to offer clergy a resource for...

Burnout, Part One

Growing up in Alaska, Rev. Lisa Talbott learned how to fly before she learned how to drive. One of the most important flying lessons she received provides insight into a professional challenge she recently encountered. Burnout.

Have you divested from your clergyperson?

"Clergy are often caught carrying the cross of United Methodist decline in ways that are both unfair and debilitating. This is not a recipe for success..." Patrick Scriven offers some reflections which may be helpful to local church leaders looking to support their pastoral leaders as they weather turbulent days together.