Welcome Ian McKnight, Interim Manager of The Regional Media Center!

Visit: REGIONAL MEDIA CENTER | FACEBOOK: RMC | E-MAIL “It cannot be that the people should grow in grace unless they give themselves to reading....

Become an Immigrant Welcoming Congregation

Sign in front of the United Methodist Building in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Noel Andersen) By the Rev. Noel Andersen* Congregations across the United States are embarking...

What if we stopped fixing churches and started to #SeeAllThePeople?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. May 16, 2017 /Discipleship Ministries/ – What if United Methodist congregations stopped looking for quick fixes to revitalize their churches and started seeing the people...

Take Time to Listen

At its heart, the Academy for Spiritual Formation® is an experience in listening: to one another, to oneself, to God. And good listening is a rare art these days, one that can truly be a blessing to the world. Learn more about the two-year Academy for Spiritual Formation being offered at the San Damiano Retreat Center in Danville, CA starting in July.

The Practice of Lovingkindness Meditation

In the first installment of the Clergy Wellness Corner of the new year, pastoral counselor and #UMC deacon Denise McGuiness shares a meditative practice called Lovingkindness. She writes that "this practice has been a life changer for me, especially in the current state of the world that is full of divisiveness and hate."

Review: Spiritual Kaizen

Bishop Grant Hagiya of the Greater Northwest Area speaks about developing new leaders, one of the denomination's Four Areas of Focus during an April...

Elders: Were you initiated into aging?

By the Rev. Paul Graves | Photos courtesy of Wikipedia, et. al. Do you remember some of the “initiating rites” you either enjoyed or endured...

Advent Resources (and more) at the Regional Media Center!

On the Shelf By Ian McKnight Connect with the Regional Media Center! E-mail | Facebook: Regional Media Center | RMC WebsiteAdvent is almost here! It is our...

Resource: A Gift of Music

By Peter Fraser The following worship songs were written over the last eight years, and were inspired by a need for quality worship songs with...

Kent UMC: Jesus Tour Summer 2016!

Jesus Tour Summer 2016! Where will you take Jesus this week? By Susan Kipper How is it with your soul? Methodist founder John Wesley encouraged believers to...