Deadline to apply for Ethnic Local Church Grants

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Aug. 10 is the deadline to apply for an Ethnic Local Church Grant from the United Methodist General Board of Church...

United Methodist Insurance Provides Helpful Resource for Local Churches

Nashville, TN –  United Methodist Insurance (UMI), the insurance company for the denomination’s local churches, has provided an easy to use, free resource for...

Clergy Wellness Corner: Why Struggle Alone?

Welcome to the Clergy Wellness Corner! You are reading the first monthly column of the Clergy Wellness Corner where we'll emphasize different aspects of health and wellness...

What if we stopped fixing churches and started to #SeeAllThePeople?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. May 16, 2017 /Discipleship Ministries/ – What if United Methodist congregations stopped looking for quick fixes to revitalize their churches and started seeing the people...

Pacific Northwest Religion: Doing It Different, Doing It Alone

Patricia O’Connell Killen is the primary editor of the book Religion and Public Life in the Pacific Northwest.  Professor Killen has worked regularly with Northwest pastors,...

UMC Cyber Campus Offers Education Anytime, Anywhere

By Vicki Brown* Training materials for annual conference Boards of Ordained Ministry, presentations from a churchwide sexual ethics summit, and a lecture by a well-known...

Council of Bishops invites applications for three ecumenical programs

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church is inviting applications for the following three programs: Grant application for the...

Imagine No Malaria brings hope, peace, joy, love to congregations with Advent resources

Nashville, Tennessee:  This Advent season, let Imagine No Malaria help you and your United Methodist congregation imagine a world filled with hope, peace, joy...

R.I.P. Ministry Directory; Update your Find-A-Church profile

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications, Young People's Ministries After a number of years of service, we'll soon be decommissioning the PNW Ministry Directory...

Kent UMC: Jesus Tour Summer 2016!

Jesus Tour Summer 2016! Where will you take Jesus this week? By Susan Kipper How is it with your soul? Methodist founder John Wesley encouraged believers to...