Recognizing local church achievements, extraordinary service by members at #pnwac16

Recognizing local church achievements, extraordinary service by members at #pnwac16 By Teri Tobey with Jesse N. Love Puyallup, Wash. - The PNWAC 2016 Awards Banquet honored...

Making a Difference Through Learning and Sharing

Making a Difference Through Learning and Sharing By Brianna Smith | Photo by The Rev. Paul Jeffrey Hello, my name is Brianna Smith and I am...

Apply today to be a Global Mission Fellow!

The Global Mission Fellows Program has 4 positions available in the US for young adults (ages 20-30) feeling called to work in direct service and/or advocacy with immigration populations. All applications must be received on or before June 5, so don’t delay in applying or sharing this opportunity!

How have immigrant services, communities been impacted by policy change?

By Jesse N. Love with the Rev. Lyda Pierce Additional Photos by Wikipedia and Nica Sy Tacoma, Wash. - “Tak?” “Nie?” Amy Diehr, Education Services manager...

Funding Ministries and Mission Outreach 2017

What are Conference budgets? How can I support mission? What resources are available from The PNW Conference that can help our church treasurers? Download...

Global Mission Fellows: I am not alone

By Yvonne Agduyeng   I had written another article for Channels and I thought I was done - another check mark off my to-do list, until...

Global Mission Fellows: A Call to Ministry

Global Mission Fellow, Paola Ferro (left) visits a Methodist school in La Boca, a “barrio” in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Paola Ferro and members of Cristo...

Chasity at Interfaith Advocacy Day

Chasity Jones, a global mission fellow, assists Audra Hudson (another GMF, serving at Tacoma Community House) at Faith Action Network’s Interfaith Advocacy Day early...

Reclaiming the Spirit of Mission: Immigrant Advocacy in Olympia

Reclaiming the Spirit of Mission: Immigrant Advocacy in Olympia By Jesse N. Love with Janjay Innis Methodist US-2 Missionary Janjay Innis and Tacoma Community House lead members...

Community Organizer on a Mission

Global Missions Fellow Angela Reed is assigned to Tacoma Community House. She shares with us some her work as a community organizer for TCH, learning and educating others about their important welcoming work.