New Scholarship fund empowers PNW Conference to offer grants to 16 students
In 2016, the PNW Conference made a change in its budget to reallocate existing support for student education to a new Scholarship Fund available to United Methodist students from the Pacific Northwest. This spring, the first round of student applications were received and grants awarded totaling $24,000.
PNW United Methodists follow students lead in gun control marches
United Methodists across the PNW Conference participated in March For Our Lives rallies last weekend. We take a look at some of the different ways they have been listening, supporting and taking action alongside the young leaders of this movement.
Listen, Listen, Love, Love: Working with At-Risk Youth
Listen, Listen, Love, Love: Working with At-Risk Youth
By Terri Stewart
Hi! I’m Terri Stewart, the founder of the Youth Chaplaincy Coalition. I work with youth...
Global Mission Fellows: A Call to Ministry
Global Mission Fellow, Paola Ferro (left) visits a Methodist school in La Boca, a “barrio” in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Paola Ferro and members of Cristo...
How can we nurture future leaders in their spiritual calling?
By Jesse N. Love | Photos by Pastor Dione Corsilles, the Rev. Elmar de Ocera, and Aaron Pazan
Also read:
“Exploration Event Guides Young Adults...
Considering a Call to Ministry? Apply for an Internship this Summer!
Are you a young adult, aged 18 to 25, considering a call to ordained ministry who is also available to serve in a ministry setting this summer? If...
Holy Interruptions: Mission Experiences for Youth
Young people from Tibbetts UMC (Seattle, Wash.) participated in L.A.S.T. (Learning and Serving Together).
Holy Interruptions
Mission Experiences for Youth
By The Rev. Jeff Lowery
“Holy interruption...
Who is God to us? What does God mean to you?
By Nica Sy | Photos by Hazel Rollolazo and Kevin Tabora
Christmas Institute 2017, or CI, challenged campers to question, explore, and discover the role...
#UMCGC Reflection: #WhereAreTheYouth? Answer: School
By Brianna Smith
May 17, 2016
How much do you want us?
During General Conference, I’ve noticed that adults are asking the question, “Where are the youth...
Annual Conference Sessions: Where are the youth?
By Carrie Bland
Photos by Teri Tobey
One of my favorite things about Annual Conference is working with the pages and youth delegates. This year...