Sunnyside Church reaches young people in the community

By Pastor Joel Rodriguez Sunnyside, Wash. – Recently we had great opportunities to connect with our young people, including those at-risk. Here are just a...

Stories of Pain and Hope

Lenten Soup Supper Series: Stories of Pain and Hope By The Rev. Nancy Ferree-Clark As the congregation of Federal Way United Methodist Church, we believe that storytelling...

Save the date – Mission u is July 13-16, 2018

Mission u: What about our money? By the Rev. Neal Christie | Photos by Jesse N. Love What are a few topics were you taught to avoid...

What can Methodists learn from Starbucks?

A well-publicized incident at a Starbucks in Philadephia left the Seattle-based business reassessing its policies and considering the impact of unconscious bias on the hospitality it offers. Kristina Gonzalez reflects on the company's response, including a company-wide closure and training this week, and considers what we might learn from it.

CI-PNW is searching for “Real Love”

The Leadership Team of Christmas Institute gather at Seattle: Beacon UMC for training in preparation for their annual retreat happening on December 26-30, 2014....

Bringing Back the Holy Spirit Within Us

Bringing Back the Holy Spirit Within Us By Jesse N. Love The National Association of Filipino-American United Methodists met on July 9-12 at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary...

Deadline to apply for Ethnic Local Church Grants

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Aug. 10 is the deadline to apply for an Ethnic Local Church Grant from the United Methodist General Board of Church...

Meet the new faces at Jamaa Letu!

By Barbara Dadd Shaffer | Photos by Jamaa Letu Orphanages Rosine Maruv Kayombo will now serve as the new director at the girls’ Jamaa Letu...

UMCs support Convoy of Hope in the Tri-Cities

Pastor Sally Perez of God’s New Generation participated in Convoy of Hope,meeting with people in the Tri-Cities community. UMCs support Convoy of Hope in the...

Filipino Fellowship and NW hospitality warm a cool night

By Jesse N. Love May 19, 2016 | Vancouver, Wash. Vancouver, Wash. - It’s a misty evening in Vancouver, Washington. As chairs gently screech across the social...