The Church Needs More Innovative Pastors like MTV Needs More Twerking*

By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications and Young People's Ministries The next time I hear a pastor argue that what the church really needs is...

Seattle District musical event raises funds for Rebuild: Up from the Ashes

The praise team from First United Methodist Church in Bellevue, Wash. brought a joyful noise during the Seattle District fund-raising event for the Rebuild:...

An Open Letter to My Clergy Friends

Dear Clergy friends, We need you to lead. Most of us good people in the pews know that leadership is a difficult task. Many of us...

Seattle Area United Methodists share their Pride

Overview & Photos by Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications & Young People's Ministry Over the last weekend of June, Seattle Pride, a non-profit organization which “coordinates and...

Recognizing local church achievements, extraordinary service by members at #pnwac16

Recognizing local church achievements, extraordinary service by members at #pnwac16 By Teri Tobey with Jesse N. Love Puyallup, Wash. - The PNWAC 2016 Awards Banquet honored...

Laity Session Notes #pnwac14

Laity Session Notes By Amy Pazan Bishop Hagiya called the 141st Annual Conference to order. Joan Holms thanked Pat Dodson for her years of service as associate...

Journeys: Inspiring Local Churches #hagiya

Journeys: Inspiring Local Churches By Bishop Grant J. Hagiya | Photo by Wikimedia Commons, et. al. Editor’s note: Bishop Grant J. Hagiya is graciously filling in for...

Of Mountains and Methodism

Nancy Tam Davis, PNWAC Lay Leader I may not be a fast or accomplished mountain climber, but I am persistent. I’ve been climbing for about...

Adapting to Lead: “What prevents you from being closer to God?”

Adapting to Lead By Joan Holms | Photo By Jesse N. Love, et. al. Editor’s Note: PNW Conference Lay Leader, Joan Holms has stepped in to...

Jim Winkler: “Our Life as Laity”

Jim Winkler delivered the following address to the Laity Session of the 2012 Pacific Northwest Annual Conference on June 21 in Pasco, Washington. I am...