Seattle District musical event raises funds for Rebuild: Up from the Ashes
The praise team from First United Methodist Church in Bellevue, Wash. brought a joyful noise during the Seattle District fund-raising event for the Rebuild:...
The Church Needs More Innovative Pastors like MTV Needs More Twerking*
By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications and Young People's Ministries
The next time I hear a pastor argue that what the church really needs is...
Recognizing local church achievements, extraordinary service by members at #pnwac16
Recognizing local church achievements, extraordinary service by members at #pnwac16
By Teri Tobey with Jesse N. Love
Puyallup, Wash. - The PNWAC 2016 Awards Banquet honored...
PNW UMW collects 266 quilts to help keep children warm
PNW UMW collects 266 quilts to help keep children warm
By Jenny Yeoh | Photo by Jesse N. Love
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
GC Delegates: What You’re In For
General Conference Delegates: What You're In For
By Joan Holms with Amory Peck
The year 2016 will bring us the opportunity to be more fully engaged...
Seattle Area United Methodists share their Pride
Overview & Photos by Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications & Young People's Ministry
Over the last weekend of June, Seattle Pride, a non-profit organization which “coordinates and...
“Yes, I am called, but how, and to what?”
By Sophia K.R. Agtarap
This notion of being called is not a new one.
Scripture is peppered with stories of our foreparents in faith being called...
Clarkston UMC: The Pumpkin Patch Gospel
For more photos from the pumpkin harvest, click here.
The Pumpkin Patch Gospel
By Patrick Scriven with the Rev. Shane Moore and Terri Entze
“The love of...
Holms: Where the journey has taken me
Joan Holms, PNW Conference Lay Leader addresses the audience at opening worship at the Annual Conference Sessions 2015.
Where the journey has taken me
By Joan...
How Can Worship Build Relationships?
How Can Worship Build Relationships?
By David Reinholz
The Seven Rivers District just completed the third of four regional workshops where the main topic of conversation...