Transitioning towards hope and a future

Transitioning towards hope and a future | By Joan Holms I find myself thinking about transitions a lot these days. There is a hint of autumn...

Clarkston UMC: The Pumpkin Patch Gospel

For more photos from the pumpkin harvest, click here. The Pumpkin Patch Gospel By Patrick Scriven with the Rev. Shane Moore and Terri Entze “The love of...

This year’s Bishop’s Symposium is No Joke: A Rabbi, an Imam, a Pastor and Brian...

This year’s Bishop’s Symposium will focus on the need to develop our capacity for intercultural communication as we experience the possibilities of interfaith relationships. And there are three options for clergy and laity to participate.

Lay Leader Address – Joan Holms – #PNWAC15

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” - Martin Luther King Jr. I am very grateful for the opportunity to speak with you each year...

Church: A demonstration community?

Overhead in General Conference 2012 plenary: Delegates consider legislation at the 2012 United Methodist General Conference in Tampa, Fla. A UMNS photo by Mike DuBose, digitally...

Seattle District musical event raises funds for Rebuild: Up from the Ashes

The praise team from First United Methodist Church in Bellevue, Wash. brought a joyful noise during the Seattle District fund-raising event for the Rebuild:...

Legislative Summary from The PNWAC Sessions 2015

The Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Sessions 2015 Legislative Summary Prepared by the Rev. Shirley DeLarme Much of our action was to make our preferences known to General...

Laity Session Notes #pnwac14

Laity Session Notes By Amy Pazan Bishop Hagiya called the 141st Annual Conference to order. Joan Holms thanked Pat Dodson for her years of service as associate...

PNW Laity: Our immersion experience in Okanogan County

Laity from the PNW Conference gather and pray at Pateros Community UMC before they fellowship with other partners supporting the rebuild of Okanogan County.   PNW...

Lay Leaders meet in advance of General Conference

By David Reinholz May 7-9, 2016 | Portland, Ore. On the eve of the 2016 General Conference of the United Methodist Church, annual conference lay leaders from...