RMC Resources for September 2015

Shiny Gods (D2036) How much is enough? In a culture guided by shiny, life-promising distractions, “enough” seems elusive and keeps us chasing the next quick...

Become an Immigrant Welcoming Congregation

Sign in front of the United Methodist Building in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Noel Andersen) By the Rev. Noel Andersen* Congregations across the United States are embarking...

Regional Media Center offers 20 percent holiday discount for memberships

Videos, audio, and printed materials are available at the Regional Media Center, a media lending library with items to help support your local church...

New national advertising messages and local church outreach tools offer opportunities for connection

Nashville, Tennessee: The United Methodist Church launched a four-part advertising series across the U.S. this week, offering an invitation for seekers to connect with local...

Historic Civil Rights Voices Still Speak on Faith-Based Website

Visit soundtheology.com: "The historical religion programs in this collection came from the archives, library shelves, and back rooms of many organizations. Faith groups represented...

The Rebuild Movement

In July 2016, laity from The PNW Conference visited sites in Pateros, Wash. Wildfires from 2014 and 2015 left over 400 homes destroyed and...

Kent UMC: Jesus Tour Summer 2016!

Jesus Tour Summer 2016! Where will you take Jesus this week? By Susan Kipper How is it with your soul? Methodist founder John Wesley encouraged believers to...

Resources for Faith Sharing

On the Shelf: Resources for Faith Sharing By Ian McKnight with Jesse N. Love If you have read the February issue of Channels, you’ll notice that this...

Council of Bishops invites applications for three ecumenical programs

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church is inviting applications for the following three programs: Grant application for the...

Take Time to Listen

At its heart, the Academy for Spiritual Formation® is an experience in listening: to one another, to oneself, to God. And good listening is a rare art these days, one that can truly be a blessing to the world. Learn more about the two-year Academy for Spiritual Formation being offered at the San Damiano Retreat Center in Danville, CA starting in July.