Global Mission Fellows: A Call to Ministry
Global Mission Fellow, Paola Ferro (left) visits a Methodist school in La Boca, a “barrio” in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Paola Ferro and members of Cristo...
Global Mission Fellows: God’s People in Colombia
Cover photo: Pupils and teachers at Colegio Gimnasio Indoamericano gather for a picture with Global Mission Fellow, Joy Eva Bohol. Bohol teaches children...
Musings: My Unconditional Love for the Church Compels and Challenges Me
By Chasity Shavon Jones
So often, we are involved in the church that we become numb to the numinosity and mystery that is the Church...
A Letter from Paul Jeffrey
Dear friends,
Juan Lopez is 11 years old and totally blind. Yet he rides his bike to school every day by having his 9-year old...
The Well: Prophetic Speech in Our Public Commons (Video)
Katie Ladd welcomes Seattle’s Queen Anne neighborhood to experience The Well – a place for great conversation in an intimate sharing space.
Today, famed author,...
Responding with prayer, aid after Nepal earthquake
By Linda Bloom
April 27, 2015 | NEW YORK (UMNS)
United Methodists joined Christians around the world in a prayerful response to the earthquake that has...
Get to Know Tara Miller, US-2
Bishop Grant Hagiya and Tara Miller present the benediction during the Closing Worship service at The 2013 Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Sessions.
Get to Know...
Our Global Mission Fellows in Seattle
The Rev. John Helmiere of Valley and Mountain Fellowship welcomes Seattle's Global Mission FellowsGretchen Brown, Annabeth Tucker*, and Alan Allis during their tour of...
Methodist Missionaries work to improve quality of life in the Congo
Methodist Missionaries work to improve quality of life in the Congo
By Roman Hofer
It has now been half a year since we first came to...
Mission u: Learning Together for the Transformation of the World
(Left) The Rev. Keith Hackett and Joan Hackett (not shown) introduce US-2 missionaries. (Center) Attendees of Mission u, sing “One Bread, One Body”. (Right-top)...