(Left) The Rev. Keith Hackett and Joan Hackett (not shown) introduce US-2 missionaries. (Center) Attendees of Mission u, sing “One Bread, One Body”. (Right-top) Plenary on “The Spirit of UMW” with Youth Participation. (Right-bottom) The Rev. Shalom Agtarap leads the all-school study, “The Call: Living Sacramentally, Walking Justly”.
Mission u: Learning Together for the Transformation of the World
By Judy Dirks | Photos by Linda York
Mission u highlights personal calling, the Roma, and missionary work.
This event took place at Central Washington University in Ellensburg from July 12-15, 2013.
Ask any one of our 155 Mission u participants, “What was the highlight of Mission u for YOU?”, and you will likely get a different response from each.
For some it may be the Rev. Shalom Agtarap’s captivating presentation of “The Call: Living Sacramentally, Walking Justly”.
In this all-school, life-changing study we searched the personal meaning of baptism and communion, contemplated our own experiences of being “called.” For others it may be gaining new insights into poverty issues or the people called Roma.
For the youth it could be their study of migration, but I suspect the main highlight would be shared laughter that could often be heard in the halls, auditorium, and dining hall. Or, perhaps serving Communion for the first time at Mission u may have been not only a highlight, but also a spiritual moment leading to more opportunities to participate in ministry.
Some who heard our US-2 missionaries share their experiences may tell you they feel a call to explore what it is like to do mission work – long term or as a Volunteer-in-Mission described by UMVIM Coordinator Ronda Cordill. Hopefully many were inspired to join our amazing United Methodist Women.
Are you getting the idea that Mission u offers something for EVERY ONE OF YOU whether you are 12 or 102? Then come join us at Mission u 2014 scheduled for July 11-14, at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Wash. We will tackle the question “How Is It With Your Soul?”, learn more about “The Roma of Europe”, and explore “Disabilities and the Church: Awareness, Accessibility, and Advocacy.”
Bookmark www.pnwumw.org for more information.
Judy Dirks serves as dean of Mission u.
Channels 64, August 2013 (Coming Soon)
Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman reactions • Mission u • 5 Columns of Mission Churches • UMVIMs needed through September 2013 • My Life as a Conference Treasurer • Step By Step – Ministry in Haiti • The Twitter Effect @ #pnwac13 • Salmon Creek UMC’s Meal-in-a-Peel • The Inland Northwest P.E.T. Project • Campus Connection: Campus Ministries in the PNW • Musings: Change the UMC, Change the World • Dave’s Dibble: Entertainment Bar is Rising • Adapting to Lead: A Message from our Bishop • Nurturing Elders & Others: Community Conversations explore end-of-life • To subscribe to our print or web editions, e-mail Channels.