Transforming the World with the Three Washing Ton D.C.’s #gypcla14

Transforming the World with the Three Washing Ton D.C.’s #gypcla14 By Amanda Tobey with Jesse N. Love | Photo by Amy Pazan During Opening Worship at...

Together, we will get there (…and this is not a personal thing)

Marches for Ebola virus awareness and for the response to the death of Michael Brown. Together, we will get there (…and this is not...

Apply today to be a Global Mission Fellow!

The Global Mission Fellows Program has 4 positions available in the US for young adults (ages 20-30) feeling called to work in direct service and/or advocacy with immigration populations. All applications must be received on or before June 5, so don’t delay in applying or sharing this opportunity!

Reclaiming the Spirit of Mission: Immigrant Advocacy in Olympia

Reclaiming the Spirit of Mission: Immigrant Advocacy in Olympia By Jesse N. Love with Janjay Innis Methodist US-2 Missionary Janjay Innis and Tacoma Community House lead members...

Chasity at Interfaith Advocacy Day

Chasity Jones, a global mission fellow, assists Audra Hudson (another GMF, serving at Tacoma Community House) at Faith Action Network’s Interfaith Advocacy Day early...

Wandering Uganda: Serving, Changing, Growing

Denise Belista (top left), poses with children from the local community in Uganda.  Denise served as a global justice volunteer assigned to serve with...

5 Columns of Mission Churches for 2013

5 Columns of Mission Churches! By Joan Hackett Congratulations to our PNW Churches! These 19 Churches were presented with certificates by the Rev. Paul Jeffrey at the...

US-2 leads kids art program

Kristina Thorson’s joy pours out as she is surrounded and blessed for the US-2 program of the General Board of Global Ministries. On Aug....

Save the date – Mission u is July 13-16, 2018

Mission u: What about our money? By the Rev. Neal Christie | Photos by Jesse N. Love What are a few topics were you taught to avoid...

Missionaries Visiting the PNW

Times and dates are subject to change. Information courtesy of Special thanks to Joan Hackett. Jeffrey Hoover & Ellen Hoover Monday, Sept. 14 Leavenworth UMC, Potluck...