Fun ideas to help celebrate 75 years of UMCOR!
By Joan Hackett | Photo courtesy of UMCOR
Have you or your church celebrated The United Methodist Committee on Relief’s 75th Anniversary yet? By supporting UMCOR, you’re church is one step closer to completing the 5 Columns of Mission:
1) Support UMCOR
2) Having a Covenant Relationship with a Missionary
3) Sending someone to Mission u
4) Supporting an Advance Project
5) Collecting an offering “One Great Hour of Sharing”
Search or UMCOR’s 75th for ideas on how to join the celebration with your church

Here are just a few ideas that may help inspire:
- Have a party with streamers and stories
- Make an UMCOR timeline/display and learn more about UMCOR from its beginnings in WWII.
- Prepare a children’s time or Sunday School lesson
- Tell the story of UMCOR to your small group
- Learn about UMCOR’s history
- Play the UMCOR matching game
- Read New World Outlook’s special edition on UMCOR’s 75th
- Subscribe to New World Outlook to discover what UMCOR is doing now
- Bring gifts for UMCOR 75¢ per member or $7.50 or $75 or $750 or more per church and send via the Conference Treasurer or online crediting your church to
- UMCOR Undesignated #999895 to fight hunger and poverty, assist the displaced and respond to disaster, with the flexibility to be there anywhere and everywhere wherever help is needed.
- Or consider supporting an UMCOR project such as #3021770 Global Health supporting wholistic, community based health programs in the US and around the world (#30221634 Compatible Technology International – improving food security, nutrition and water quality through simple ad appropriate technologies.)
- Browse through the 2013-2016 brochure or online at
Celebrate UMCOR’s 75th and give a gift!
Download the Pastor’s Toolkit to help celebrate 75 years of UMCOR!