Story by Emma T. G. Starr
Starting on Thursday, September 6th, First United Methodist Church of Tacoma (FUMCOT) opened its doors to the Tacoma School District educators who are currently on strike. In the first three days of the strike, the church hosted over 2,000 teachers and educators.

FUMCOT has offered the use of their building as a safe and clean space for the educators in the community, and as a place to rest between their shifts on the picket line. The church is also offering the use of its restrooms, tables and chairs, and sanctuary, and they are also providing a private space for nursing mothers. In addition to all this, they also have water and doggie treats for the four-legged picketers!
FUMCOT is keeping the church open to educators throughout the week of September 10. On Friday, September 14, FUMCOT is partnering with several unions, including the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU); Tacoma Firefighter’s (IAFF); Machinists (IAM) and Electricians (IBEW) to help host all 2,400 educators who will be picketing outside the Tacoma District Central Administration Building, also known as the “CAB”.
First United Methodist Church of Tacoma proudly supports all workers seeking a living wage. As stated in the book of United Methodist Social Principles, “Every person has the right to a job at a living wage.” ¶163.C
Follow FUMCOT on Facebook for more information as they continue to support their local community.

Thank you Tacoma FUMC, You truly are a beacon of light in your neighborhood.