Rev. Neal Sharpe as Asset Assessment & Strategic Deployment Specialist for the PNW Trustees


Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint Rev. Neal Sharpe as the Asset Assessment & Strategic Deployment Specialist for the Pacific Northwest Conference Trustees, effective July 1, 2020.

Rev. Sharpe will continue in a half-time appointment as Convener of Valley & Mountain: Ravenna and the Ravenna Collaboratory, where he has previously served in a full-time appointment. Sharpe’s additional work will consist of a half-time appointment in a one-year pilot program that is partnered with the PNW Board of Trustees and the PNW Conference Treasurer. This pilot was birthed out of the asset assessment work Sharpe has conducted in the repurposing of the Ravenna church building. The learnings captured has helped the conference prioritize the development of new strategies moving forward.

“The Conference Trustees are pleased to pilot and begin the work of developing an overall strategic plan for Conference assets, building on Neal’s learnings and experience at Ravenna,” said Brant Henshaw, Conference Treasurer for the Pacific Northwest and Alaska Conferences. “This allows us to seize this moment to start assessment of the value and potential of church properties regardless of the vigor, stability, and resources of their resident congregations.”

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