Rev. Meredith Dodd, pastor at Bear Creek United Methodist Church, discusses summer internship plans with Kellen Head-Corliss.

By Kellen Head-Corliss | Ministry Intern serving at Bear Creek United Methodist Church

I should start with a thank you to the conference and those who designed the internship. In my short five weeks, I have learned so much.

If I had to describe my time here in one word: Clarity.

I love what I am doing, and my time has only reinforced a call to professional ministry. I think that the most valuable part of my internship, so far, has been the practical learnings of ministry. I believe that there would be many ways to confirm a call to ministry, but this one has also taught me practical skills that I will use if I go into pastoral ministry. I have learned the basics of Constant Contact, proofread bulletins, sent out newsletters, and I’ve done marketing for events. These tasks, while some would see them as trivial and “intern-ish,” have been really helpful because these things aren’t taught in college or seminary.

I am learning practical pastoral skills, and I will take this knowledge wherever the Lord leads me.
[pull_quote_right]I love what I am doing, and my time has only reinforced a call to professional ministry.[/pull_quote_right]On the other hand, some of my duties and opportunities have been powerful and deeply spiritual. Every Sunday, I am blessed with the opportunity to wear a robe and serve as a leader during the church service. I didn’t think much of serving in church, but something about wearing a robe changed my outlook. I really felt like a servant of God, and experienced worship differently. In addition to that, I was able to visit someone in the hospital and pray for them, be a part of a bible study every week, and helped to plan an interfaith discussion group lead by a Rabbi and my Pastor.

Something that, in reflection, has been really helpful is the weekly cohort meetings. I get to meet every week with the other interns in the Seattle area. We get together, talk about our struggles and triumphs, and really get to connect on a peer level. Having connections like this seems crucial to me. I get to reflect with peers going through similar situations, and that is invaluable. I love hearing about my peer’s weeks because they usually turn out so much more differently than mine. I love seeing how God can work in such different ways, even when we are a part of the same program.

I’m looking forward to the second half of my internship with fervor and excitement. I look forward to my continued duties, and some new ones as well. I will be leading the bible study that I am participating in, starting in August. I will be preaching to the congregation towards the end of my time, and I will also being doing a worship service for a local nursing home. I am so blessed to have this opportunity. Thank you, once again.

Kellen Head-Corliss is spending his summer serving at Bear Creek United Methodist Church, a faith community growing disciples of Jesus Christ through inspiring worship, engaging study, and self-giving service. He is one of seven young adults spending the summer in ministry internships across the Greater Northwest Episcopal Area of The United Methodist Church.

Support received from the Young Clergy Initiative has helped to make Kellen’s internship possible. 


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