When the Methodists took on the Hop King
By Patrick Scriven
In a drama that played itself out in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer in 1895, conflicting values of late 19th century Methodism – namely...
Finding a Way Forward Together in Spokane
Last Saturday’s Table Talk conversation at Spokane Valley UMC was the largest so far with 166 United Methodists coming together to discuss differing understandings of human sexuality and the Way Forward for the Church. Rosalee Mohney and the Revs. Alissa Bertsch, Geoff Helton, and Paul Graves answer some questions about the event.
Save the date – Mission u is July 13-16, 2018
Mission u: What about our money?
By the Rev. Neal Christie | Photos by Jesse N. Love
What are a few topics were you taught to avoid...
Threshold Event offers warm hospitality, conversation, on a wet and windy day
By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications, Young People’s Ministries
On a wet and windy Sunday afternoon, 80+ clergy and laity were greeted with warm...
Northwest United Methodist Foundation announces new associate directors
By Tom Wilson
The Northwest United Methodist Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of two new staff persons: the Rev. David Nieda and Julia...
“Yes, I am called, but how, and to what?”
By Sophia K.R. Agtarap
This notion of being called is not a new one.
Scripture is peppered with stories of our foreparents in faith being called...
Taming the Bear: Fight, flight, or freeze
The three instinctual responses to conflict: fight, flight, and freeze, are hard wired in us. Project Transformation: PNW director Rev. Rachel Neer was reminded of this fact as she participated in a recent Poverty Immersion. The opportunity also gave her new insight into the daily threat of poverty to families and the importance of the kinds of support they offer to children.
Greater NW Table Talks bring curiosity, hope to human sexuality discussion
Last weekend the first Table Talks were held in three locations across the Greater Northwest Area. These opportunities to engage the church’s current discussion of human sexuality and the work of the Commission on a Way Forward were largely appreciated, and well attended, according to reporting by Kristen Caldwell. More events are planned throughout the coming months.
Jar$ for Jamaa Letu 2018!!
This year's labels for the annual 'jar' fundraiser to support the orphanages of Jamaa Letu in Lubumbashi, in the Democratic Republic of Congo are now available. Directions are provided for local churches and individuals seeking to support this important, life-giving, ministry.
Greater NW Area leaders express disappointment over failure to ratify amendments expressing gender equality,...
Bishop Elaine Stanovsky and the district superintendents and staff of the Greater Northwest Area offer words of comfort and conviction in a video recorded after disheartening news of failed constitutional amendments concerning gender equality.