GNW Methodist Early Response Teams join in NC flood relief efforts

A few UMVIM Early Response Team members from Washington and Oregon visited North Carolina to help the clean-up of flood-damaged homes from November 9 to...

Rev. Richenda Fairhurst as Pastor of Ashland First UMC

Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Richenda Fairhurst as Pastor of Ashland First United Methodist Church in Ashland, Oregon beginning July...

Ross takes Vital Church to the Local Church

Today the Oregon-Idaho Conference learned that the Rev. Stephan Ross, Director of the Vital Church Project in the Oregon-Idaho Conference, has accepted an appointment...

Northwest United Methodist Foundation announces new associate directors

By Tom Wilson The Northwest United Methodist Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of two new staff persons: the Rev. David Nieda and Julia...

What moments in our lives remind us of our promise to serve?

By The Rev. Dr. Carmen Manalac-Scheuerman Commissioned as Global Missionary of the UMC Praise the Lord! After almost three years, returning with my family to Philippines serving...

Shower trailers will help VIM teams in the Greater Northwest

By Jim Truitt | Photos by members of PNW UMVIM, Early Response Teams, et. al. Finding lodging for Early Response Teams (ERT) and Volunteers in...

With Heart, Soul, and Mind: Not Everything that Matters Happens When People Vote

By Rev. Lowell Greathouse May 24, 2016 "Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime; therefore we must be saved by hope. Nothing...

General Conference 2016 Volunteers Needed!

Portland, Ore. is going to be hosting one of the most significant events in United Methodism next year. The 2016 General Conference, which is...

Greater NW Table Talks bring curiosity, hope to human sexuality discussion

Last weekend the first Table Talks were held in three locations across the Greater Northwest Area. These opportunities to engage the church’s current discussion of human sexuality and the work of the Commission on a Way Forward were largely appreciated, and well attended, according to reporting by Kristen Caldwell. More events are planned throughout the coming months.

Claremont explores move to Oregon

By Greg Nelson In a July 6 letter to the Claremont School of Theology community, and subsequent press releases from Claremont School of Theology (CST) and...