Nurturing Elders: Near The End!
Nurturing Elders: Near The End!
By the Rev. Paul Graves
Don’t let “near the end” scare you! The end may be one of the best times...
Regional Media Center offers 20 percent holiday discount for memberships
Videos, audio, and printed materials are available at the Regional Media Center, a media lending library with items to help support your local church...
Claudine’s Story: Being a Blessing to Others
Claudine Kasongo is presented with Certificate of Achievement from the Rev. Jon Short.
Claudine’s Story: Being a Blessing to Others
By Barbara Dadd Shaffer | Photos by Jesse N....
On the Shelf: Regional Media Center Resources for August!
Fresh Air (D1962)
Confused about who the Holy Spirit is, what the Holy Spirit does and why it matters? You’re likely not alone. This book...
Regional Media Center: CCLI License Update
By Ian McKnight | Manager, Regional Media Center
Did you know that all churches in our conference now have a Basic Christian Copyright Licensing International...
Funding Ministries and Mission Outreach 2017
What are Conference budgets? How can I support mission? What resources are available from The PNW Conference that can help our church treasurers? Download...
You Are Not Alone
On the Shelf:
You Are Not Alone
By Ian McKnight
A year ago, my grandfather, Steve Tuttle, passed away; I was not prepared for the year that...