Home General Conference PNW Delegation

PNW Delegation

Articles and commentary on or about the Pacific Northwest Conference’s delegation to the General and Western Jurisdictional Conference. #UMCGC #WJUMC

#UMCGC Reflection: A Prayer for Old White Men

By David Reinholz May 19, 2016 | Portland, Oregon Dear God, I’m an old, white, heterosexual man. I have as much privilege as any segment of...

#UMCGC Reflection: Something I can tell my church

By Rev. Elizabeth Ingram Schindler May 18, 2016 | Portland, Oregon For the last 48 hours, all the talk, the rumors, the underlying current at General Conference,...

A PNW delegate’s perspective on the election of Bishop Karen Oliveto

By Megan Kilpatrick | Western Jurisdictional Conference Delegate Friends in Christ, There has been a lot said about what happened at our Jurisdictional Conference this last...

Thoughts on #GC2012 after a week of less stressful living

Delegation members Marie Kuch, the Rev. Gloria Kymn, Amory Peck and the Rev. Craig Parrish share a light moment with their 'voting keypads' on...

An Open Letter to My Parents on Queerness and Being #CalledOut

Dear Mom and Dad, Welcome back from the mission trip, Dad. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. While Dad was away I joined a group of over...

Rev. Craig Parrish’s thoughts on Final Morning of #GC2012

Gail Grossman, Rev. Craig Parrish and Bishop Bob Hoshibata stand along the edges of the plenary space with those protesting the church's stance on...

#UMCGC Reflection: Can the UMC Change?

By David Reinholz May 11, 2016 | Portland, Oregon Powerless. That’s how it can feel sometimes as a member of a large bureaucratic and hierarchical institution. We...

Living Fully with Risk and Responsibility

By Rev. Mary K. (Sellon) Huycke I’m not a rule breaker. I’m not someone at the forefront of marches or instigating movements. As a leadership coach,...

#UMCGC Reflection: #WhereAreTheYouth?

Updated to correct an error in the listed %. By Amanda Tobey May 12, 2016 | Portland, Oregon 0.23%. That is percentage of youth voting delegates on...

#UMCGC Reflection: Subcommittees – The Best and Worst of Holy Conferencing

By David Reinholz May 12, 2016 | Portland, Oregon John Wesley believed that Christian conferencing is a means of grace. This says when we do it...